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SriRangaSri List Archive: Message 00153 May 2003

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Dear Bhagavatas:
In deference to the overwhelming requests for the release of the "GLOSSARIAL INDEX OF SANSKRIT, TAMIL AND OTHER TERMS" and the "TIME-LINE" included as Annexures to my book ?HINDUISM REDISCOVERED?, we begin with the "Glossary".

As the Glossary is rather too lengthy, it is proposed to feature it in a series of postings in the alphabetical order, with one letter at a time.

We hasten to assure you that the Glossary is neither exhaustive nor the meanings erroe-free. We implore your patience in going through the same and and feel free to suggest any corrections / improvements through personal mail addressed to "Ramanbil@xxxx"
Thanks for your patience and understanding.

The "TIMELINE" needs a litttle reformatting. It will be releaed later, when the reformatting is complete.

Neither of them was released to any lists so far.

Anbil Ramaswamy
Baahya Aaradhana        External worship x Manasa Aradhana
Baahya artha    Apparent meaning
Baahya bhakti   External or unenlightened form of devotion
Baashyam        Commentary
Baddas  Ever bound
Bahir aakaasa   Air outside an enclosed space like a pot
Bahir vyaapti   Transcendence
Balam   Strength, Supporting everything
Bandha mudra Gesture of locks that regulate the flow of Prana
Beda sruti Statements in Vedas emphasizing differentiation
Bhaagavata      Devotee of Bhagavan
Bhaagavata abhimaana    Devotion toward devotess of Bhagavan
Bhaagavata apachaara    Disrespect towards the devotees of Bhagavan
Bhagavaan       The Supreme Lord
Bhagavad apachaara      Disrespect to Bhagavan
Bhagavat        Adorable Cherisher
Bhajan Group singing of prayer to the Lord
Bhakta  Devotee
Bhakti (Yoga)   Loving devotion ( Union through)
Bhaojya Aasana  Seat for offering food to the Lord
Bhara Nyaasa a.k.a Saranaagathi:(lit) Laying down the burden also Prapatti
Bhara samarpana: Entrusting to God responsibility for one's protection
Bharata varsha  India that is Bharat
Bhartru / Bhaarya       Husband / Wife
Bhoga archa: Lakshmi's form as seated or standing near the Lord
Bhoga bhumi     World of enjoyment
Bhoga staana    Place of enjoyment
Bhoga vishaya   Objects of pleasure
Bhogi   Fit to enjoy life
Bhogyam Enjoyable
Bhogya saadhana Instruments of enjoyment
Bhokta  Consumer of pleasure
Bhuh    Earth
Bhukti  Enjoyment
Bhulokvaikuntam Heaven on Earth, Srirangam
Bhumdevi        Mother Earth
Bhuta vidya     Demonology
Bhuta yagna     Worship of living beings
Bija    Seed
Bija akshara    Seed letter
Braahmanas      Relating to holy performances
Brahma  The four faced creator
Brahma (marriage)       Marriage by a duly dowered girl
Brahma anda     The World egg
Brahma anubhava Bliss of integration with Brahman
Brahma chaari (Charya)  Celibate, Student, ( Celibacy)
Brahma gandha   Divine fragrance
Brahma gnaana (Gnani)   Knowledge (Knower) of God, Realized soul
Brahma khanda   Works relating to knowledge of Brahman
Brahma maarga   Route leading to Brahman
Brahman Great, Impersonal, Absolute
Brahma naadi    Same as Sushumna Nadi
Brahma randra: Aperture in the head through which the soul departs
Brahma rasa     Divine flavour
Brahma rishi    Brahmin Sage
Brahma srishti  Those created by God
Brahma sutra: One of the 3 important works concerning Brahman
Brahma tejas    Divine Splendour
Brahma yagna    Seer worship
Brahma yasas    Divine fame and form
Brahmi: a crudely formed dialect without long vowels etc
Brahmin Priestly class
Brama   Illusion, Confusion a.k.a. Maya
Bramara Humming
Brihat jaataka  The Great Horoscopy
Bringhi The bee
Buddha: Principle of awakened intellect, Title of a deceiver
Buddhi  Intellect, Discretion, Judgement a.k.a Medha
Buta ganas      Group of goblins
Buvah   World lying just above the earth
"C" will follow
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