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SrimatE Raamaanujaaya Namaha //
SrimatE Nigamaanta Mahaa Desikaaya Namaha //
SrIman! SrI Ranga Sriyam anupadravam anudhinam Samvardhaya/
SrIman! SrI Ranga Sriyam anupadravam anudhinam Samvardhaya//
KAvEri VardhathAm kAlE, kAlE varshathu vAsava: /
SrI RanganAthO jayathu Sri Ranga Sri cha VardhathAm//
SRI RANGA SRI VOL.06 / ISSUE # 23 dated 05/17/05
Dear Bhagavatas:

You know that every year we celebrate Bhagavad Ramanuja Jayanti.
Sri Ramanuja jayanthi was celebrated in a very grand manner at SSVT, Lanham, 
DC Area on Sunday, 15th May 2005.

After Sevakaalam, Tirumanjanam, Tiru Alankaaram and Paduka Tiru Araadanams 
to the pAadukais of Poorva and Prakritam achaaryas of Periyasramam and the 
Paadukai of Prakritam Srimad Andavan, Poundarikapuram Swami Asramam and the 
MangaLaasaasanam of Bhagavad Ramanujar at TiruvEnkaTamudaiyaan Sannidhi, 
followed the award function and a cultural program including a dance drama 
on Andal by DC area children, a Kuchipudi dance and a drama on Alavandaar 
that enthralled and entertained the audience.

This Paarthiva year celebrations by Sri Ramanuja Mission on 15th May 2005 
had a special significance for me personally and Sri Venkat. The 
Celebrations included conferring titles of ?Kainkarya Rathnam? for me as 
?Lifetime Achievement Award? to me and "Kainkarya Thilakam" Service Award 
for Sri Vangipuram R Venkataraghavan Swami of Dubai.

I am glad to inform you that my next book ?Myths, Miracles and Mysticism in 
Hinduism? excerpts of which appeared in ?Sri Ranganatha Paduka? (Official 
Journal of Srirangam Srimad Andavan Asramam) is proposed to be published 
under the auspices of ?Sri Ramanuja Mission Inc., U.S.A)

I am thankful to all Bhagavatas who attended the functions and all those who 
flooded us with greetings and messages felicitating me. As the earlier 
proceedings took more than the estimated time, the award function started 
only after 12.15 pm (when it should have been completed as per the program 
schedule). As we were running late and as there were far too numerous 
greeting messages, they could not be read out as originally planned.

My acceptance speech was rendered in Sanskrit immediately followed by an 
English rendition for the benefit of those who did not know Sanskrit.

I am including in this issue the acceptance speech (in English) for your 
kind information.
I first met Sri Venkataraghavan in Bahrain in 2002. Instantly, I was 
impressed by his sincerity and dedication in doing kainkaryams to 
Divyadesams consecrated by the Azhwars but that are today in shambles for 
want of funds. He has made it his mission in life to restore these 
Divyadesams to their pristine glory, with whatever resources he could 

I am fortunate to join him like the proverbial squirrel in Srimad RamayaNa, 
with my humble contributions from out of the excess of receipts over 
expenses incurred in the publication of my book ?Hinduism Rediscovered?. I 
intend to coordinate with him for kainkaryams in several other KshEtrams.

Besides Anbil Soundararaja Perumal Koil Dwajasthambam plating and Neelamega 
PerumaaL sannidhi, that are presently ongoing, I have identified the 
following Divyadesams to assess what needs to be done and to chalk out 
suitable programs. All these are in and around Kanchipuram area. Whatever 
resources we are able to put together will go a long way in this direction.

1. Tiruvelukkai Azhagiya Singar sung by Periyazhwar and Tirumangai Azhwar. 
This temple is in dilapidated condition with just sannidhis for PerumaaL, 
Thaayaar and GaruDan. Even the Raajagopuram is not seen today.
2. Tiruneeragam Jagadeesa PerumaaL Koil sung by Tirumangai Azhwar. This is 
near Ualagalanta PerumaaL Koil. This is the KshEtram where the Moolavar 
Vigraham has been cast away near a pond uncared for.
3. Nilaathinghal Thunda PerumaaL sung by Tirumangai Azhwar. This temple is 
inside Ekambreswarar koil. There is no Utsava moorthi. No Pooja is performed 
and no annual utsavams are being celebrated.
4. Tirukkaaragam Karunakara PerumaaL sung by Tirumangai Azhwar
Not much is known about the original temple, PushkaraNi etc.
5. Tirukkaarvaanam Kalva PerumaaL sung by Tirumangai Azhwar
There is no Utsava moorthi. No Pooja is performed and no annual utsavams are 
being celebrated.
6. Tirukkalvanur Adi varaha PerumaaL. The Sannidhi of Anjivalli Naachiyaar 
is dilapidated. The famous Nitya Pushakarani is not seen now.
I am leaving on vacation to India today (17th May 2005).
I will be staying at 25 (22) 2nd East Park Street, Prithvipakkam, Ambattur 
(Phone # 2657 3246), I will be visiting Bangalore for proof corrections to 
my book ?Myths, Miracles and Mysticism in Hinduism? that is under print 
there. I will be proceeding to Srirangam for release of the book at the time 
of Saptadi of H.H Srirangam Srimad Andavan (tentatively on 8th June 2005). A 
further announcement will be made after the details are finalized.

As per the present plan, I am due to return by 8th August 2005. During my 
absence on vacation at India, I may not be able to readily have Internet 
access and even if available, it would be extremely slow compared to the 
standards here.

Therefore, it may not be possible for me to read or approve any messages to 
?Sri Ranga Sri? and ?SRS_Satsngam? groups.




Dear Bhagavatas:
?       Words fail me as I try to thank you for the good wishes and honor you 
thought fit to bestow on me.
?       ?Thanks? is too small a word to express my gratitude for your massive 
munificence. Yet, I can do no better than bowing my head in all humility and 
accepting the honor as ?Bhagavad Prasaadam?
?       This year?s ?Sri Ramanuja Jayanti? has a special significance for me 
personally because it coincides with the 80th  year of my earthly existence 
that I will be completing in November- December (Kartigai- AslEsaham) also 
known as ?SataabhishEkam?
?       I feel humble and aspire to deserve all that you have said.
?       I know that I have miles and miles to go. I promise to strive my best 
deserve your confidence and expectations in what little time and state of 
health, I am left with.
?       I am aware of the fact that you are conferring this title more out of 
and affection for me and regard for my age than due to any merit on my part. 
I see around me Bhagavatas half my age being infinitely more qualified than 
?       Let me first list my disqualifications. Let me hasten to assure you 
this is not ?naichyaanusantaanam?
1.      I am not a very learned person. I do not hold any Doctorate in any 
discipline like most of you. Education-wise, I have not much to boast of. 
But, I am not sorry because Swami Desika has come to my rescue by saying in 
?Saara Nishkarsha Adhikaaram? of his ?Srimad Rahasya Traya Saaram?
?Thinking what has been already learnt as not enough, accumulation of 
degrees, diplomas, doctorates etc. cast a heavy burden on our intellect, 
without being of any use for our spiritual enhancement. Therefore, our 
Achaaryas in their infinite wisdom and discrimination have provided us with 
what the Nityasuris (literally who never wink) speak in exalted terms, 
namely, the eight lettered   ?AshTaakshara Mantra? and the two others viz., 
?Dvayam? and ?CharamaslOkam?, which alone can help us  in our emancipation?

?Amaiyaa ivai ennum aasaiyinaal aru moonrulagil
Sumaiyaana kalvigaL soozha vandaalum- thogai ivai enru
Imaiyaa imaiyavar Etriya eTTiraNDu eNNiya ? numm
Samayaasiriyar sadirkkum tani nilai tandanarE?

2. In official career, I had no occasion to rub shoulders with corporate 
giants as some of you have. Thus, I have much less to commend myself on this 
score. I am not sorry for this either, because while writing horoscopes, our 
ancestors used to commence with a stanza that says ?the position or status 
of a person in this life is solely and squarely due to the spiritual merit 
(puNya) inherited by that person in a previous life?

?Jananee janma soukhyaanaam vardhani kula sampadaam/
Padavee poorva puNyaanaam likhyatE janma patrikaa //

3.      I started my religious studies in right earnest only very late in life. 
In fact, I cannot quote ?Chapter and Verse? off hand from memory, as most of 
you are experts in doing. I am not sorry for this because, thanks to 
Achaarya kripa, I have been trained to enjoy and even try to explain the 
significance of the words employed in the quotes.

4.      If my ?Jnaanam? is ?Nil?, my ?AnushTaanam? is on the minus side, partly 
due to my own deficiencies and partly due to the environmental circumstances 
in this country. I realize that I have ?miles and miles to go? to reach the 
level of most of you.

However, I have some qualifications too!

1.      I have had the bhaaghyam of sitting at the feet of almost all 
and Achaaryas back in India in closed door type of KaalakshEpams right from 
my boyhood till and after my retirement spanning over 60 years I confess 
that despite their best efforts, my absorption is ?zero? my retention is 
?sub-zero?.  In fact, I was the stupidest, dullest students in their 
classes. Like a mother who takes special care of the disabled child, these 
Achaaryas mercifully drilled into my mind the esoteric. They would not 
proceed unless they make sure that I had understood the passage under 
discussion. Stupidity seems to have its own virtues and has its own rewards! 
  What little I am doing here is the result of their mandate granted with 
?Mantraakshadai? blessings.

2.      I am reminded of an incident in the life of BhaTTar.  It would appear 
that BhaTTar was invited to a ?Sadas? for honoring him. The organizers went 
on praising him saying: ?You are a great and noble soul?, ?You are verily an 
ocean of knowledge?, ?Your magnum opus and ?Bhagavad GuNa Darpanam? is 
incomparable? and many others. For each one of the eulogies, BhaTTar nodded 
his head in acceptance.

When one of his close Sishyas, who used to admire his remarkable humility at 
all times was aghast at his temerity in openly acknowledging the encomium. 
BhaTTar seemed to have read his mind and disabused his askance saying openly 
to the Sadas that if he was worthy of all the tributes they showered on him, 
it was because of the grace of his Achaaryan and all the eulogies really 
belonged to the Achaarya and not to himself. It was because of this he 
accepted them.

Though not comparing myself to the great BhaTTar, I am tempted to say in the 
same manner that it is my privilege to accept your munificence because as I 
used to write ?Anything good and correct coming out of my pen goes to the 
credit of asmad Achaaryan?s grace and I own all responsibility for anything 

In fact, to share a secret with you, whenever I start writing anything, I 
meditate on asmad Achaaryan. Instantly, ideas and expressions fall in place 
almost effortlessly. ?Achaaryanai smarithaal, chintanigaL spurikkum?

3.      I am old, as you all know, perhaps one of the oldest of the entire lot. 
Perhaps, this is the only other reason for your honoring me.

4.      I am reminded of Bhagavad Ramanuja?s five commandments:

(1) Master Sribaashyam and expound them to others
(2) If this is not possible, study Azhwaar?s AruLicheyals and expound them 
to others
(3) If even this is not possible, offer services to the Lord in temples and 
shrines like lighting lamps, cleaning the premises etc.
(4) If this is also not possible, Concentrate on ?Dvayam? and mediate on it 
(5) If none of this is possible, conduct yourself in such a manner to be 
acceptable to Bhagavatas

I belong to the 5th class.
That way, I am a ?Panchama? and I am glad to be so, to have earned your best 

I pray to Divya Dhampatis, Bhagavad Ramanuja and Swami Desika to shower all 
the best on all of you.
May your tribe increase!
May your kainkaryam grow from strength to strength.

I remain your humble servant, as ever.
Anbil Ramaswamy
With this, 170 Regular issues have been released, so far besides several 
Special Issues) ?
- 27 Issues of Vol. 1
- 15 Issues of Vol. 2
- 42 Issues of Vol. 3
- 35 Issues of Vol. 4
- 28 Issues of Vol. 5 &
- 23 Issues of Vol. 6
These issues have been archived for public view at -
by Sri Diwakar Kannan (diwakark@xxxxxxxxx)
You may also view the archives at maintained
By Sri Srinivasan Sriram (ajiva_rts@xxxxxxxxx)

We strongly urge you to kindly peruse the "Regular Issues" archived in the
?Files? Section and view the Contents at ?srsindex.html? (Not the individual
postings allowed for encouraging "Reader participation"). We are sure that
you will be convinced of the quality of the contents.

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