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SriRangaSri List Archive: Message 00020 Nov 2002

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Dear Bhagavatas:

"Jaya Krishna" <jkdevaki@xxxx
has posted this interesting question. I would request the members to provide a suitable answer to the query. Thanks.
Anbil Ramaswamy

Om Namo NaArayanaya

Dear Devotees,

I introduce myself as a Graduate from IIT Madras and have been working with TCS. I hail from a Vasihnavite family.

Much as I tried to understand the Tatva of Lord, my thoughts are coming to halt at a point.

I understood that we need to pray God (Bhakthi) and surrender (prapatti) ourselves at His Holy feet. He removes all the difficulties of SamsaAra (Death and Rebirth) and makes us as His eternal servants in the Paramapada to enjoy the permanant bliss.

My doubt is...what might be the reason for this Entire Creation/Destruction of God. If we assume this (creation/destruction) as God's 'Iccha' or 'Leela', being God, He himself should not have any desires as He is 'poorna purusha'! Is n't it? Hence, if there is no creation at all, there arises no question of destruction, clinging of our souls in Samsara and other things. He creates us, makes us to enjoy the 'karma phalam', realise Him and then do service to Him. Why God is doing all this? Why the souls are being placed (in the body) and destroyed (removed from the body) repeatedly due to Karma? Why can't God stop this creation at some point of time so that no question of Karma/Liberation of souls would not arise?

I may be asking this question out of sheer ignorance as am a beginner/learner of Sri Vaishnava Samparadayam. Please correct me in this regard. Adiyen humbly requests all the devottes to help him in this regard.


Jayakrishna DaAsan.

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