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I am somewhat surprised at this. I request that no such posting be posted. A /namaskAram is a personal obeisannce. Ourreligion excels in personal acts and duties. If you say, a/bhi/vAdayE type of /praNAm, you have to make a gesture of touching the feet of the person bowed to, and it becomes obligatory to do the /namaskAram in front of the person irrespective of other conditions.

In this case, one could do a general /namaslAram to all /bhAgavatAs at a determined moment on call for such a move.

But to take away the personal element is to lay the foundations for making the veneration meaningless in course of time. We have lost so many such moves, and we are tryingto rediscover these acts.

It may be considered a noble gesture on the part of /Srimad Andavan to forego the direct obeisasnce. But he really deprived the person of a psychological boost which the person was seeking. I am sorry to write so, but this kind of extreme /nYAsA makes a prayer meaningless.


From: Narasimhan KP
To: NARAYANHK@xxxx, srirangasri@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [SriRangaSri] krishna sahasranamam and others
Date: Sun, 20 Jul 2003 21:44:19 -0700 (PDT)
Dear Bhagavatas:
Forwarded is a reply on the subject of doing Sashtanga namaskaram
inside the temple.
May I add that such namaskaram should NOT be done
between Bhagavaan and His Bhaagavatas
(eg) Periya TiruvaDi (GaruDaazhwar Sannidhi) or Siriya TiruvaDi
(AnjanEyar Sannidhi) installed facing the main deity
in Sri VaishNava temples?.
I learned this during the Sathabishekam celebrations of
Srimad Andavan of PouNDarikapuram Swami Ashramam.
When I did DanDavat praNaamams before him and PerumaaL
on the dais at the special pandal, he asked me to do so
only at the farther end beyond the groups of Bhagavatas
assembled in front of the dais chanting Vedas and Prabandams,
saying that it would be a disrespect to the Bhagavatas
to do such namaskarams in between.
I would suggest temple authorities to put up bill boards
to this effect for the guidance of SEvaartis.
Anbil Ramaswamy
Dear sir,
Namaste to all. Saashtanga namaskara inside the temple shall only to the deity and not to any individual.
NARAYANHK@xxxx wrote:
I would like to have a clarification.
Can any devotee in a Temple do namaskara (touching the feet) to a Priest?
That too when the Priest is standing in front of the deity. If this is not
correct, should the Priest advise the devotee accordingly?
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