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SrIman! SrI Ranga Sriyam anubadravam anudhinam samvardhaya/
SrIman! SrI Ranga Sriyam anubadravam anudhinam samvardhaya//
KAvEri VardhathAm kAlE, kAlE varshathu vAsava:/ 
SrI RanganAthO jayathu SrI Ranga SrIs cha VardhathAm// 
Dear Bhagavatas:
In this issue, in addition to our regular features in 
Section I viz., "Sriranga Vijayam", "AchArya Vamsa Vriksham" 
and "SampradAya lessons", We present the following in 
Section II: Gitamrutham ? The summary of the first Shadgam
by sAra sArajna Tirukallam Swami
Anbil Ramaswamy
Editor & Publisher, "Sri Ranga Sri"
Section I: Regular features:
1. "Sri Ranga Vijayam" Between the two kAveris.
Purisai Sri Krishnamachariar Swami, Editor, Nrisimhapriya
As VibheeshaNa was carrying Sri RanganAtha vigraham with the Sriranga 
vimAnam to Lanka, he came across the "Moon Tank"(Chandra PushkaraNi). 
It was noon then and he had to perform his mAdhyAhnikam. So, he 
placed the VimAnam on the banks of the tank, bathed in the waters of 
the tank, performed his worship (uchchikAla puja). News of this 
spread like wildfire and all the people all around the holy city 
including Maharishis, MahArAjas, Brahmins and commonfolk flocked to 
witness the great event. Dharma Varma, the ruler of NisuLApuri was 
one among them. VibheeshaNa performed Archana with a variety of 
flowers like ? Red lilies (senkazhneer), black water lily 
(karuneithal), Champakam (SheNbagam), mountain ebony (manthArai), 
White lotus (veNNthAmarai), arabian jasmine (mullai), jasmine 
(malligai), tuscan jasmine (iruvAtchi), roses (rOjA), yellow and red 
flowers known as (pAdiri), , the holy basil (thuLasi) etc. Then, he 
offered several varieties of foods. Those assembled were singing 
sweetly hymns of praise of the Lord.

As VibheeshaNa prepared to leave, Dharma varma requested him to stay 
back a few more days and perform the Aradhana in Srirangam itself and 
offered to bear all the expenses connected therewith. VibheeshaNa was 
in a hurry to get back to Lanka that very day to commence 
BrahmOtsavam in Lanka. Dharmavarma insisted on having the 
BrahmOtsavam in Srirangam itself. VibheeshaNa agreed. The nine days 
utsavam was celebrated with great eclat. Dharmavarma had widely 
publicized the great event inviting one and all to attend. Kings and 
Brahmins, young and old, men and women form all directions converged 
at the arena which reverberated with Vedic chants and songs. Music   
played on 18 different instruments like bEri, mridangam, dundhubi, 
etc rent the air. Though it was celebrated by Dharmavarma, it equaled 
in grandeur the ones celebrated by Brahma himself and the kings of 
the IkshvAghu lineage. Seeing the extraordinary interest and devotion 
of Dharmavarma, VibheeshaNa agreed to stay another fortnight doing 
TiruvArAdhana at Srirangam itself. After 15 days, VibheeshaNa took 
leave of everyone and started to Lanka with PerumAL.

But, to his utter amazement, he could not even move the VimAnam, let 
alone lifting it. He was stunned and stupefied and was beside with 
grief, tears flowing from his eyes like a torrential waterfall. With 
folded hands, he prayed to the Lord literally begging for pardon to 
any faults (Apacharams) on his part. He pitifully pleaded to the Lord 
to let him keep up his promise to install Sri RanganAtha at Lanka for 

Moved by his pathetic pleadings, the Lord assuaged him saying that He 
had resolved to stay permanently in Srirangam in response to the 
intense penance performed by Dharmavarma and earlier to that by 
Maharishis to whom He had given word that at the time when 
VibheeshaNa crosses Srirangam, He would accede to their request and 
also for fulfilling a boon to river Kaveri on these lines. He further 
assured VibheeshaNa that he was blemishless but since He had to keep 
up earlier promises to Maharishis and Kaveri, He had to stay at 
Srirangam and further reassured him that from Srirangam He would 
constantly be looking at and blessing Lanka and VibheeshaNa forever 
and bade him to proceed to Lanka as directed.
To Continue: 12. The penance that Dharmavarma performed
Dear Bhagavatas: 
Before proceeding further, We wish to issue a correction to a 
typographical error regarding the date of Chinna Andavan Swami 
attaining Paramapadam. It should read as 1895 and not 1885 as stated 
in the part containing details of Chinna Andavan Swami in our 
series "Acharya Vamsa Vriksham"-33 (2). 
We are thankful to Sri Parthasarathy Sreenivasan for bringing this 
to our notice.
(Anbil Ramaswamy)
(Aadi- Pooradam) (*SMM) August 26,1847 - 1934 AD) 
(VED): "Among the famous Divya Kshetras is Tiruvinnagar whose 
presiding deity is Lord SrinivAsa. His praise has been sung by 
PeyazhwAr, NammazhwAr and Tirumangai AzhwAr. Nearby is situated 
Poundarika Puram, a fertile village set in sylvan atmosphere. It is 
inhabited by Sri Vaishnavas devoted to the Lord of Oppiliappan Koil. 
Among these pious souls were one Sri PerumAL Iyengar and 
Senkamalthammaal to whom was born as the 7th son *in the year 
Sowmya, Month Aadi and in Pooraada Nakshatram * (*SMM) He was named 
after Lord SrinivAsa, the presiding deity of Oppiliappan Koil. Later, 
he was given in adoption to his paternal uncle.

After Upanayana SamskAram, he learnt Sanskrit under one Sri 
RangAchAriar Swami. Later, he studied Alankara, VyAkaraNa, logic and 
mImAmsa Saastras and Sri BhAshyam under many distinguished teachers 
like (*Tarkam NarasimhAchAriar, his father RangAchAriar, Kurichi 
RanganAthAchAriar, and Sokattur VijayarAghavAchAriar.*SMM). He became 
an accomplished scholar in all these SAstras. He received his Pancha 
SamskAram from Gattam Sri VaradAchAriar Swami, one of his teachers. 
He sat at the feet of VeLiyanallur Andavan Sri Narayana Maha Desikan 
and specialized in Vedanta SAstras. Later, he went on a pilgrimage to 
all Divya Desas from Sethu to Tirupathi.

He married one Vadakarai Komala Ammaal and stayed at Poundarika 
Puram. Though born in a wealthy family, he led a simple and austere 
life. After the passing away of his mother at a ripe old age, he 
arrived at Srirangam and settled with his family, practicing a strict 
code of conduct characteristic of a devout Srivaishnava. Many 
disciples from far and near flocked to him to study SAhitya, 
AlankAra, Logic, MimAmsa SAstra, Sri BhAshyam and other subjects. 
Once, he felt a demanding inner urge to shake off his worldly 
attachments. He made adequate provision for his wife's maintenance 
and also for expenses in connection with the feeding of Srivaishnava 
pilgrims at Oppiliappan Koil. 

Then, he proceeded to VenNNAr Bank and prostrated himself at the feet 
of Sri VeLiyanallur Aandavan. The Acharya acceded to his repeated 
entreaties and administered Prapatti Prayoga and admitted him into 
the holy order of ascetics.

He proceeded to Srirangam and stayed at Periyaasramam where he 
collected a good number of disciples around him. But, he felt greatly 
anguished when obstacles were put in his path of discharging his 
duties as an Acharya. He decided to leave Srirangam and go to another 
place which would be congenial to him. When the disciples came to 
know of this, they prevailed upon him to continue his stay at 
Srirangam. Through their efforts, a separate Asrama was set up and it 
came to be known as the "Poundarika Puram Aandavan Aasramam". From 
here, he continued his mission. The Aasramam under Sri SrinivAsa Maha 
Desikan was a center of religious activities and philosophical 
discussions. The AachArya was an erudite scholar in VedAnta SAstras; 
he possessed an extraordinary power of mind by which he could 
accurately recall any passage, slOka or Sutra with ease. Many learned 
scholars came to study AdhyAtma SAstras under his feet. Among them 
was one ANBIL GOPALCHARIAR SWAMI, a renowned Sanskrit scholar who 
spent nearly 42 years at the feet of Srimad Andavan listening to his 
elucidation of Sri BhAshyam and other Granthas. As a tribute to the 
Acharya's profound knowledge and understanding, Sri GOpAlachAriar 
instituted an endowment under a trust to conduct an Annual Vidwad 
Sadas known after Sri SrinivAsa Maha Desikan. A scholar of great 
merit, Sri A.V.GopAlAchAriar brought out the publication of many 
Granthas based upon the knowledge and clarifications he received from 
Srimad Andavan. 

(*SMM- Kozhiyaalam RAghavAchariar Swami came to Srirangam and sought 
SannyAsa Sweekaranam at the feet of Srimad Poundarikapuram Andavan 
who initiated him into the SannyAsa Asrama in 1920 in the year Roudri-
Aani- Pournami day. The Aasthaana Vidwan of Tirumalai Tirupathi 
DevasthAnam, Kapisthalam DesikAchArya submitted to Swami for approval 
his Grnatha `AdhikaraNa Ratna MAlai". The Swami accorded his 

A firm adherent of the "Satsampradayam" as enunciated by Swami Desika 
Srimad Poundarika Puram Andavan was an exemplar of ethical 
excellence, (SadAhchAra) ceremonial purity and righteousness. He 
attained the lotus feet of his AachArya (*in the year Bhava* SMM) in 
the month of Aippasi, that is on 20th October 1934 which was a 
Chaturdasi day.
His Tanian reads as follows:
Sri Narayana Yogindra Varadaarya Kripaasrayam /
Rangesa Paada Vinatham Srinivaasa Munim Bhaje //
" I hail SrinivAsa Muni who obtained the full grace of Sri Narayana 
Yogindra Varadaarya, who always bowed at the feet of Lord Ranganatha"
3. Learn our Sampradayam the easy way
(Course for Kids) Grade 1 for Beginners
(Based on the originals in Tamil "sampradAya pADa thiTTam" 
by Sri Seva Swamigal)
Lesson 18: Worship
(Anbil Ramaswamy)
What is worship? 
It is religious adoration including prayer. This implies also 
rectitude in conduct conducive to the spiritual upliftment of the 
soul. Offering prayers to the Lord is considered proper worship.

Devotion is important for worship. This means we should have absolute 
love and unconditional faith in the Lord. If we develop this mindset 
of unshakeable faith that whatever we do is in total dedication to 
the Lord, we can get rid of selfishness and ego.

Temples are places of worship. There is a saying- "Aalayam 
thozhuvathu sAlavum nanru" which means "Worshipping at a temple is 
very good". This imparts a feeling that the Lord is common to all 
devotees and that the Lord is the ONLY ONE who can relieve us of all 
afflictions and impediments and that we can express freely our wishes 
to Him in prayer.

For, how do we meet God if not in prayer?

Temple worship is necessary for all. Service at a temple is service 
to society. Worship augments our knowledge of Body - Soul 
relationship. It confers peace of mind; it helps in mutual 
understanding; it removes inimical tendencies; it establishes social 
justice firmly.

Though worship can be conducted at hearths and homes, they are 
individual and private and not a community affair. Such community 
involvement in prayer can be seen only during worship at temples. We 
call this "SEvippu". Singing the praise of the Lord is also an act of 
worship; folding both palms in prayer (anjali) is another; Performing 
Archana is yet another.
1. What is meant by Temple worship?
2. What are the benefits accruing from such worship?
3. What are the various acts of worship?
Section II: GITAMRUTHAM- The summary of the first Shadgam
Based on GitAsAram by Sara Sarajna Tirukallam Swami 
JnAna karmAthmikE nishTE yOgalakshyE susamskruthE /
AathmAnubhuthi siddhyarthE Poorva shdgENa chOdithE //
It is through karma and JnAna that one attains the experience of the 
self (AathmAnubhavam). Karma yOga both directly and through JnAna 
yOga yields this realization of the self (Aathma sAkshAthkAram). 

But, what is important to remember is - whether it is the practice 
of KarmayOga or that of JnAnayOga, it is all directed and done purely 
by the will (sankalpam) of the Lord. 

If this basic truth is understood, one will develop a distaste and 
revulsion for other means and ends. This is what the first shadgam 
(Chapters 1 to 6) establishes. (chOdithE)
GITAMRUTHAM - The summary of the first Shadgam
Based on GitAsAram by Sara Sarajna Tirukallam Swami
Will follow

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