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SrIman! SrI Ranga Sriyam anubadravam anudhinam samvardhaya/
SrIman! SrI Ranga Sriyam anubadravam anudhinam samvardhaya//
KAvEri VardhathAm kAlE, kAlE varshathu vAsava:/ 
SrI RanganAthO jayathu SrI Ranga SrIs cha VardhathAm// 
SRI RANGA SRI VOL. I / 016 DATED 11th January 2001 
Dear Bhagavatas:
On this "KooDArai vellum Seer" day, we are happy to dedicate this 
16th Issue of "Sri Ranga Sri" at the holy feet of "SooDIk koDutha 
SuDarkkkoDI", ANDAL and Yathi SArvabhouma H.H. Srimad Andavan, 
Prakritam Pontiff of Poundarikapuram Swami Ashramam, ParavakkoTTai 
Srimad GoOpAladesika mahA Desikan Swami. In this issue, we conclude 
the present series on "AchArya Vamsa Vriksham" with a homage to this 
great mahAn (in addition to the usual feature of "Sri Ranga Vijayam")

May the NachiyAR who gave us this gem of message in "KooDArai vellum 
Seer" help us win over by our sheer love and affection, even those 
who may not be well disposed of towards us and bless us with perfect 
amity, mutual understanding and friendly cooperation in the days 

May this great Maharishi of PounDarikapuram Ashramam whose 
SathAbhishEkam celebrations (81st Birthday) are slated for 
March 24-31, 2001 bless us to realize his twin themes of 
 AnushTAnam at the personal level and 
 unity of SrivishNavas at the community level!

All the Prakritam Yathis of Swami Desika SampradAyam, notably H.H. 
Azhagiyasinghar of AhObila Mutt, H.H. Srirangam Srimad Andavan of 
PeriyAsramam, H.H. Abhinava VAgheesa Brahma Tantra Swatantra Swami of 
ParakAla Mutt, Mysore, Sri Rangapriya Yathi of AshTAnga YOga VigjnAna 
Mandiram, Bangalore - act as Patrons and will grace the occasion by 
their presence.  

This is the time for all of us to join them by closing our ranks and 
rallying behind this messiah of unity - a message which he is never 
tired of emphasizing - a message delivered to us also by H.H. Srimad 
Andavan of PeriyAsramam and Sri Rangapriya Yathi in their recent Tele-

This is the time for all Sishyas and AbhimAnis of all monastic 
institutions to demonstrate their unity by unanimously coming 
together and contributing their best both monetarily and by 
physically attending the celebrations 

May I humbly request you to contribute generously for this unique 
Jayanthi celebrations of the Senior most Yathi srEshTa both in point 
of age and date of SannyAsa sweekaraNam and who is affectionately 
hailed by all other yathivaras in superlative terms?  

Contributions from the USA are tax exempt. Please mail your checks 
to: SMSA Inc, c/o Smt. Nagu Satyan, 7821 W Alder Drive Littleton, CO 
80128 Please indicate on the memo of your check that your 
contribution is for Srimad Poundarikapuram Ashramam. 

For those who like to remit in Indian Rupees: Please draw the checks 
or drafts in favor of "S.P.A.V Trust, 81st Jayanthi a/c and send to 
SrikAryam, Srimad Poundarikapuram Andavan Ashramam, 43- A/13, Asramam 
Road, Srirangam, TRICHY. PIN 620006, India. 
Anbil Ramaswamy 
Editor & Publisher
"Sri Ranga Sri"
(Anbil Ramaswamy)
(VED) " Swami was born in the year Roudri on the 2nd day of Panguni 
under the star of Rohini, corresponding to 17th March 1921 in the 
Mazhaiyur village as the son of Sri VenkatAchAr Swami and JAnaki 
AmmAl, the daughter of PurANam VidwAn Sri KuppuswAmi Iyengar Swami. 

(*The village was gifted to the forefathers of this family about 6 
generations earlier. From that time onwards the further generations 
of the family had been living there *SMM)

Srimad AaNDavan was named RAjagOpAlan after the presiding deity of 
MannArgudi temple which at the time of his birth was celebrating the 
Thiru Ther (car) festival. Paravakkottai Sri VenkatAchAriAr Swami was 
a pious scholar (belonging to Vadhula GOtram KandhADaiyAr family) who 
fashioned his life strictly according to the prescribed rules for a 
Sri VaishNava. He had received instruction in Rahasya Traya SAra at 
the feet of PouNDarika Puram Srimad AaNDavan. His elder brother, 
(*Sri Chakravarthi AachAriAr* SMM), also had been performing Biksha 
services to Srimad AaNDavan.

When child RAjagOpAlan was 2 ½ years old, his mother died and two 
aunts from Thillaiambur came to look after the child. After the 
Upanayanam SamskAram, Sri RAjagOpAlan was placed under MannArgudi Sri 
SrinivAsa GOpAlachAriar for Vedic instruction. 

Later, he joined K.R.M. Estate PATasAla and studied Sanskrit poetry 
under a distinguished VidwAn Peruga VAzhndAn Sri Krishnamachariar 
Swami. Owing to the hard discipline of the teacher, the pupil was 
able to acquire proficiency in Sanskrit. 

Later, the boy was admitted into the Sanskrit college at ShOlinga 
Puram by Sri A.R.KrishnamAchAriAr Swami who also instructed him in 
Champu literature. Because of the boy's proficiency in Sanskrit (* in 
1936*SMM), he was admitted into the 3rd Year class in the Sanskrit 
College, Tirupathi, in which he studied hard for 6 years. When he 
returned to Thillaiambur, during the summer holidays, he did not 
waste a single moment; he used the occasion to study Granthas under 
Vidwan Sri VenkatAchAriAr Swami. 

During his stay at the Sanskrit college, he had as class mates or 
College mates some of the distinguished scholars of the present time, 
such as ?
 PURISAI KRISHNAMA CHARIAR Swami, the Editor of Nrisimhapriya,
PoorvASrama brother of the present 45th Pontiff of Ahobila Mutt and
 Mylapore Sri SrinivAsAchAriar, who later set up a Publishing 
house `*Sarasa Kala Nilayam' *SMM) solely for the purpose of printing 
and publishing the works of our great AchAryas like (*MelpAkkam 
NarasimhAchAriar, Marudur A.R. KrishnamAchAriAr *SMM). Sri 
Rajagopalan moved with these persons intimately, true to the saying 
" Birds of the same feather flock together".

(*When he was just 12 years old, he had his SamAsrayaNam and 
BharaNyAsam done by the Great PouNDarikapuram AaNDavan himself *SMM). 

Having lost the mother at a tender age, child RAjagOpAlan had to 
perform the mother's annual SrAddham. He lived such a pure and 
disciplined life in strict conformity with Sri VaishNava tradition as 
to win the awe and regard of the learned SrivaishNavas of 
Thillaiambur. They regarded him as another VASISHTA and would not 
dare to do or say anything unorthodox during the SrAddham. 

(*.He would never take ParAnnam(food outside) even from his childhood 

Two days before RAjagOpAlan's father attained the lotus feet of the 
Lord, he had advised his son to do VedAnta KAlakshEpam under the feet 
of the Jeeyar of ParakAla Mutt. An obedient son that he was, Sri 
RAjagOpAlan went to Mysore and studied under Srimad Abhinava 
RanganAtha ParakAla Swami such branches of knowledge as Grantha 
ChatushTayam. Later, he learnt under DeekshAchAr Swami, NyAya 
SiddhAnjanam, Tattva MuktA KalApam and NyAya Parisuddhi and returned 
to Thillaiambur in 1947.

The Swami Participated in six examinations in vEdAntha SAstras 
conducted by "VedaAnta Desika VichAra Sadas" under the direction of 
the Jeeyar of ParakAla Mutt. He also passed the Purva and Uttara 
parts of our Vedanta in the examination conducted by "Mysore MahArAja 
Vidwat Pariksha".

Later, he entered GrihastAsramam marrying Lakshmi, the eldest 
daughter of Tiruk Kudanthai AarupAthi SEtlur Sri SrinivAsAchAriar 
Swami, who was a strict follower of VaishNava Aachaarams and had done 
VEdAntha KAlakshEpam. The couple was blessed with five sons and a 

After getting employed as a Sanskrit Pundit at Musiri, Sri Raja 
gOpAlA chariar Swami used to visit Srirangam in connection with the 
affairs of the Asramam, which was always uppermost in his mind.. On 
such occasions he would call on Sri MadhurAntakam Vira RAghavAchariar 
Swami and cultivate his acquaintance. 

(* Whenever he prostrated at the feet of MadhurAntakam Swami, the 
latter would do ` Prathivandanam'. Our Swami felt embarrassed and hit 
up on a plan to stop the `Prathivandanam'. So, he submitted that he 
had not been initiated into Vaisvadevam and requested MadhurAntakam 
Swami to initiate him. This done, the MadhurAntakam Swami had become 
his AchAryan also and there was no way for him to do `Prathivandanam' 
anymore! *SMM) From the distinguished scholar and Vidwan, he received 
Vaisva deva UpadEsam, for which he fell prostrate at the feet of the 
MadhurAntakam scholar. The latter did not relish such respect offered 
to him and felt extremely uncomfortable.

At the age 59, Sri RAjagOpAlAchariar Swami accompanied by his family 
proceeded to KshetrADanam bathing in the Narmada, Ganga, Triveni 
Confluence and afterwards offered worship at Gaya, HaridwAr and 
BhadarikAsramam. Then, he went to Ahobilam where he participated in 
the 10 days Utsavam of Lord Nrisimha and returned to Musiri.

Srimad VeNNAtranKarai Andavan was keen and anxious to nominate a 
successor so that the Muni Traya Munirupa tradition could be 
continued without break in the Acharya line. He used to sound the 
SrikAryam Sri RAjagOpAla Iyengar about this and persuaded him to 
assume the SannyAsa Aasrama. One day, on the spur of the moment, he 
called the SrikAryam and administered PrEsha Mantra, Prapatti YOgam, 
SannyAsa anushTAna Kramam and Aashrama Sweekaara-Kramam. The day 
before he merged with JyOti, he called Sri RAjagOpAla Swami and gave 
him the ochre robes, (* Avakundanam, Jala Pavitram, Sikhyam, Kavacha 
Vastrams etc. *SMM) and staff as well as the keys of the Aasramam and 
commanded that he should assume the role of the Acharya in a year or 
two. But, for more than a year and a half the Ashramam remained 
without an Acharya. 

Owing to the appeal and entreaties of many eminent persons such as 
the late lamented 44th Jeeyar of Ahobila Mutt, Ubhaya VedaAnta 
RAGHAVACHARIAR SWAMI, (*MannArgudi M.S. RangAchAriar Swami, 
VeNNAtranKarai VelAmur SowrirAja Iyengar *SMM) and a host of others, 
the SrikAryam Sri RAjagOpAla Swami occupied the PeeTam of the Acharya 
in a picturesque ceremony held at VenNNAr Bank, ThanjAvur. The place 
appropriately chosen for this solemn purpose is twice-blessed. Three 
of the 108 Divya Desas lie here close to each other; it is the native 
place of VeNNAtranKarai Srimad AaNDavan and the resting place of 
VeLiyanallur Srimad AaNDavan; it is further sanctified by its 
association with three of our PurvAchAryas- Sri Nainar Acharya, 
Brahma Tantra Swatantra Swami and Saakshaat Swami. The Asrama 
Sweekaranam took place on 20th February 1982, DwAdasi day of MAsi 
month in the cyclic year Dunmathi, when he assumed the new name " 

(*On the previous day , on EkAdasi day, he performed JEEVA SRAADDHA 
as ANNA SRAADDHA. As many as 16 scholars participated in the 
NimantraNa like U.V. MadhurAntakam VidwAn VeerarAghavAchAriar Swami, 
VidwAn Villupuram MadhavAchAriar Swami, AHOBILA MATAM SRIKARYAM 
GaNapADigal who acted as Brihaspathi, Bangalore Veda Vidwan 
Swachannam AnanthAchAriar who acted as Brahma *SMM) 

(*Throughout the night, he kept awake along with others when 
MadhurAntakam Swami delivered discourses on SatkathA and VEdAnthas. 


(*The ParakAla Mutt Swami presented as Hayagriva PrasAdam a KamaNDalu 
and KashAyam *SMM)

Shortly after taking charge of the Asramam, Srimad Andavan who had 
spent long and laborious years in "collecting" VEDAntic knowledge, 
was now called upon by the 44th Jeeyer of Ahobila Mutt, to collect a 
big sum of money to meet the expenses for the construction of the 
12th tier of the RAja GOpuram of Srirangam temple. Undaunted, Srimad 
AaNDavan through the active help and cooperation of his disciples (* 
like Tirumalaikattam Villankuppam P.A.RanganAtha ThAthAchAriar Swami 
of Shenoynagar Amuda Mukunda KalyAna ManTapam *SMM) was able to 
collect a sum of Rs.3,43,000/- which was presented to Srimad Azhagiya 

Srimad AaNDavan's devotion to his and our PurvAchAryas is too 
apparent to need any special mention. He renovated the BrindhAvanam 
of VeLiyanallur Sriman Narayana Maha Desikan at VenNNAr Bank, 
erecting a four pillared ManTapam and installing the idol of the 
Acharya. (*He also raised a compound wall and an iron fence all 
around the MaNTapam *SMM)

(*In 1989, the Swami visited VeNNAtranKarai, where the local host, 
Sri SowrirAja Iyengar honored him with Poornakumbham and a heavy 
garland that adorned Neelameghap PerumAL. It was a sight for Gods to 
see! *SMM)

Under Srimad AaNDavan's direction, Swami DEskan's shrine in East 
Uttara Street was completely renovated. The Utsava idol of Lord 
Hayagriva, previously worshipped by one Amma Sathram SEshAchAriar 
Swami was handed over to the Aasramam by his grandsons on June 
13,1990. This idol, as well as idols of AshTabujan and VaikunTanAthan 
were installed in the shrine. (*The Asramam building as well as the 
PushkaraNi were renovated at a cost of Rs. 1.5 lakhs. *SMM)

Under the patronage and Presidentship of the AachArya, the " Sat 
sampradAya Samrakshana Sabha"- registered as a Society was founded in 
1986 to foster FREE Sanskrit education and offer FREE instruction in 
the Vedas, Prabhandam and other Grantha ChatushTayam.

The Nitya Aradhana plan to provide uninterrupted Aradhana in the 
Aasramam was created with a deposit of Rs.1,000 collected from each 
disciple. The amount donated under the head has been deposited in the 
Bank and the accruing interest is being utilized for the 
administration of the Aasramam.

A revised edition of Rahasya Traya SAra was published in 1990. 
Chillarai Rahasyangals of Swami Desika have also been published by 
the Swami - in three parts.

Srimad Andavan has been imparting instruction to the disciples 
through Kalakshepams. On such occasions, the disciples have highly 
benefited by Srimad AaNDavan's approach, his mastery of the subject, 
the clarity of thought and the ease with which he reduces any 
complicated concept in philosophy or theology into simple and clear 

His Tanian reads as follows:-
Srivaasa Ranga Parakaala Munitrayaabda Lakshmaatma
Rakshana Yathitva Yugaaga Maantham /
Achaarya Bhakthi Pari bhootham Anargha Seelam 
Gopaala Desika Munim Gurum Aasrayaamah //
We seek refuge at the sacred feet of our revered AchAryan ,
Sri Gopala MahA Desikan , who received the sacred rites of 
SamAsrayaNam , Bhara SamarpaNam , ThurIyAsramam and 
the wealth of Ubhaya VedAntham from the three great
AchAryAs , SrinivAsa MahA DEsikan , Sri Ranganatha MahA dEsikan 
and ParakAla Matam Swami . He shines with illustrious sadAchAram 
and is resplendent with his limitless AchArya Bhakthi .
"Sri Ranga Vijayam" 
14."The Lord rediscovered by kiLi chOzhan"
Translated by Anbil Ramaswamy, based on the booklet of 
Purisai Sri Krishnamachariar Swami, Editor, Nrisimhapriya
Long after the time of Dharmavarma, once kAveri was in great floods. 
The entire city was submerged including Sri Ranga VimAnam. The whole 
place looked like veritable sand dunes. Much later, one of the 
successors of Dharmavarma came to the very place ahunting. Having 
become tired, he rested under the shade of a tree. A parrot perched 
on top of the tree was repeating the following slOka:
kAvEri virajA sEyam vaikunTam Rangamandiram
sa vAsudEvO RangEsa: prathyaksham paramam padam /
vimAnam praNavAkAram vEda srungham mahAtbhutham
SrI RangasAyee BhagavAn praNavArtha prakAska: //
 This kAveri which is the holy Viraja river that flows on the 
borders of SrivaikuNTam. 
 This Sri Rangam, the abode of Sri RanganAtha is SrivaikuNTam 
 This Sri RanganAtha is none other than ParavAsudEva reclining on 
serpent bed of AdisEsha. 
 This BhoolOka VaikuNTam is the same as the Nityavibhuthi 
SrivaikuNTam with the difference that SamsAris on earth can see with 
their own eyes and enjoy the experience available only in the 
 Sri Ranga VimAnam is of the shape of PraNavam. 
 The "kalasams' atop the VimAnam are the Upanishads (vEdasrungham),=
the crown jewels of the Vedas. 
 The Lord who reclines here is constantly brining to light the 
meaning of this PraNavam"

The King could not figure out what the parrot was saying and why. On 
his return to his palace, he consulted his ministers. They told him 
what they had heard through hearsay, that the big temple with its 
ramparts (prAkArams) was buried under the sand dunes. The King 
ordered clearing the trees and the debris. But, having had no luck in 
unearthing the temple, he became very depressed.

That night, BhagavAn appeared in his dream and asked him to continue 
the digging and assured him that He would give Darshan at the very 
spot where he was resting. The next morning, the King ordered the 
commencement of the digging work with renewed vigor. He was delighted 
to find Sri Ranga VimAnam emerging from under the debris.

He caused the renovation of the temple, reconstruction of the 
mantaps, and the relaying of the roads etc. He constructed strong 
embankments on the banks of the rivers to avoid a repetition of 
erosion in the future. He performed the "SamprOkshaNam" and 
recommenced the various festivals(utsavams) as usual.

Since the parrot indicated the location of the Lord's place, he 
constructed a mantap and called it the "Parrot mantap" (kiLi 
mantapam) brought a number of parrots and reared them in the mantap. 
Even to this day, one can see parrots being nurtured in this mantap. 
Since he was inspired by the parrot to renovate, he is remembered 
as "Parrot ChOzhan" (KiLichOzhan)
To Continue: 15. The Glory of Sri Rangam

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