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SrimatE Raamaanujaaya Namaha //
SrimatE Nigamaanta Mahaa Desikaaya Namaha //
SrIman! SrI Ranga Sriyam anubadravam anudhinam Samvardhaya/
SrIman! SrI Ranga Sriyam anubadravam anudhinam Samvardhaya//
KAvEri VardhathAm kAlE, kAlE varshathu vAsava: /
SrI RanganAthO jayathu Sri Ranga Sri cha VardhathAm// ================================================================
SRI RANGA SRI VOL 03/ ISSUE 15 dated 28th January 2002 ===============================================================
Dear Bhagavatas:
You will remember that quite a while ago, we posed a few queries under our ?Quiz Program?. In the last issue, we presented the answers for queries 1 to 7.
In this Issue, we present the answers to the queries 8, 9 and 10.
8. There are some passages in Srimad Vaalmiki Ramayanam itself which seem to lend internal evidence to conclude that Sri Rama had spouses other than Sri Sita? How is this reconciled with the description of Sri Rama as "Eka pathni vrathan"?
9. Do you know that according to some reports, Hanumaan had not only a wife but also a son?
10. What is ?Rama Gita??
Anbil Ramaswamy
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1. QUIZ PROGRAM 2 ? (ANSWERS FOR QNS. 8, 9 and 10)

Question. 8.
There are some passages in Srimad Vaalmiki Ramayanam itself which seem to lend internal evidence to conclude that Sri Rama had spouses other than Sri Sita? How is this reconciled with the description of Sri Rama as "Eka pathni vrathan"?


In Sundara khaaNDam, Sri Sita is shown as telling Sri Rama that after carrying out the command of his father and after completing the period of exile (Vana Vaasa), he may return to Ayodhya and live happily ever after in the company of broad-eyed ladies. Some critics hold that the reference is to ladies other than her.

Similarly, in Yuddha KhaaNDam, while describing the Dharbha sayanam of Sri Rama, Valmiki refers to his long arms (bujams) as those massaged by the hands of high-class ladies (Uthama Strees). Some critics argue that this is the exclusive privilege of only the legally married wife, and infer that Sri Rama must have had other wives.

Again, in Uthara KhaaNdam, AswamEdha parvam, while referring to ? SriRama- Bharatha Samvaadam? Sri Rama is reported to have said ??Along with Bharata, take my mothers, children and ladies back to Ayodhya?. Some critics interpret this reference to ?ladies? as relating to his ?Other? wives!

Explanation as per Govindaraajeeyam: (Vide pages 11 ?13 of Notes on Ayodhya KhaaNdam of Srimad Valmiki Ramayanam by Sri C.R. Srinivasa Iyengar)

None of the above cases points to any basis for the inference indulged in by the critics. The ?broad eyed ladies?, the ?Uthama Strees? and the ?ladies? in the respective contexts should be taken to refer to the three mothers viz Kousalya, Sumitra and Kaikeyi. By extension, it can also refer to the motherlike ladies and even servant maids attending on the royalty because in those days even servant maids were deemed to be of ?high class? meaning ?of exemplary character?.

That Sri Rama had only one wife is very well known. It is categorically stated in the same ?Uttara KhaaNDam? ? ?After Sri Sita, Sri Rama did NOT marry anyone else. In every Yajna, when Sri Sita was not nearby, Sri Rama had arranged to install a golden image of Sri Sita and performed the yajnas?

The golden image of Sri Sita was only to gain the eligibility to perform yajna. Sri Rama is said to have ordered ? Let Bharata make a golden image of my dear wife who alone is eligible to accept Dheeksha as my Pathni? This clearly shows that the golden image is only the representation of Sri Sita and does not actually constitute his wife as such. Also, as Sri Rama was not a king and Bharata was, the mothers, the ladies and the children were all his protégés. Bharata had the duty to take them along with him and they had to follow him only as his citizens. (Govindaraajeeyam)

Hemaadri Smrithi permits the use of the image of the wife, if she were away or non-cooperative in carrying out ?Sroutha and Smaartha Karmas?. It also lays down that even ?Parva sraaddhas? (Occasional ceremonies to the manes) and other ?IshTis? (other religious ceremonies) can be performed with the help of image of the wife made of ?Dharbha grass? in such circumstances. The ?Adharvyu? (the priest) or the ?yajamaana? (performer) himself could carry out the functions assigned to the wife. Since the ?Grihastha Agni? (sacrificial home-fire) was kept alive so long as the wife was alive, there was no harm if the wife was not physically present. (Govindaraajeeyam)

Do you know that according to some reports, Hanumaan had not only a wife but also a son?
Here is an interesting story in ?ANANDA RAMAYANAM?.
However, this is NOT authentic because it does not find a place in Srimad Valmiki Ramayanam.

When the fierce battle was raging between the Rakshasa and monkey armies Ravana noticed that his warriors were decimated. He sent some messengers to ?PathaLa Lanka? to inform ?Ahi Ravana? and ?Mahi Ravana?, the Rahkshasa brothers who were ruling there. The twosome rushed back to Lanka and promised to catch the human brothers and sacrifice them to ?BhadrakaaLi?.

VibheeshaNa got scent of this plan. He asked Hanuman to build an impregnable fortress. Hanuman did so, with his own tail with only one opening. VibheeshaNa guarded the entrance and also going around the fortress, keeping a constant vigil.

Ahi Ravana took the form of a bird and soared high up to the sky to measure the height of the fortress. He could not, since the fortress rose up to the region of the stars. The other one took the form of a rat and dug deep down the earth to measure the depth of the fortress. He could not because it went deep down beyond the nether worlds.

But, they observed that VibheeshaNa going round and once in a while entering the solitary entrance to make sure of the safety of Sri Rama and LakshmaNa.

When VibheeshaNa was at the farther end, Ahi Ravana assumed the form of VibheeshaNa and entered the entrance, took hold of the divine brothers and uttering the ?mohana mantra?, lulled the guards into deep sleep and carried them away planning to sacrifice them before day break the next day.

When the real VibheeshaNa came back a little later and wanted to enter, Hanuman asked why chose to check up again so soon after his last check up just a few minutes ago. Sensing deceit, VibheeshaNa entered only to find the divine brothers missing. VibheeshaNa bade Hanuman to proceed to ?PaathaaLa Lanka? to retrieve Sri Rama and LakshmaNa.

Hanuman jumped into the ocean en route to PathaaLa Lanka, A giant fish emerged from the ocean claiming to be his wife. Hanuman, the confirmed bachelor (naishTika Brahmachaari) was surprised and challenged her to prove her claim.
The fish replied-
?When you were returning after burning Lanka (Lanka Dahanam), you wiped a lump of smoke from your neck. It fell into the ocean and I gulped it. Soon, I became pregnant and gave birth to ?Makaradwajan? who is now guarding PathaaLa Lanka.?

Following her directions, Hanuman confronted Makaradwajan and worsted him. Not knowing Hanuman was his father, he remarked ? If my father Hanuman were here, he would not let you go alive?. Hanuman then hugged him and revealed that he was indeed his father and asked him to have the fact confirmed with his mother.

Makaradwaja then took him to one Chandralochana, a woman who was kept under duress by the Rakshasa because she was the only one who knew the secrets pertaining to their life and death. She was happy to help and revealed that there were 10 bees hiding in the holes of a cave and that the Rakshasa would die only if the bees were crushed to death.

In return, she wanted a boon from Hanuman that he should recommend to Sri Rama to marry her. When he conveyed this to Sri Rama, it was a catch 22 situation for both. Sri Rama advised Hanuman to take the form of a beetle and saw and make a hollow of the legs of the cot in her place and to inform her that Sri Rama would agree only if there was no bad omen.

Hanuman caught hold of the bees, went to the temple. Hanuman dislodged BhadrakaaLi, assumed her form and sat in her place. In the voice of BhadrakaaLi, he directed the Rakshasas to make a hole on the top of the sanctum and send in the offerings through the hole. They did accordingly. But, then he asked, ?Where is the human sacrifice (narabali)??

When they downed Sri Rama and LakshmaNa through the aperture, Hanuman fell at their feet and narrated the events. After a while, Hanuman said that he was pleased with the offer and asked Ahi Ravana to come into the Garbhagraham alone. As he entered, Hanuman caught hold of his neck and also crushed 5 of the bees. Ahi Ravana fell dead. As he did not return for a long time, Mahi Ravana grew curious to know what was going on inside. When he gatecrashed, Hanuman again caught hold of his neck and also crushed the other 5 bees. Now, Mahi Ravana also fell dead. Hanuman gave the kingdom to Makaradwajan.

As promised. Hanuman brought Sri Rama to her place. After offering the traditional courtesies, she requested Sri Rama to sit on the cot. The moment he sat, the cot crumbled. Citing this as a bad omen, he got up to leave. Chandra lochana begged to be excused. Sri Rama replied that she would be born in the next Dwapara Yuga as the daughter of a Brahmin when he would marry her. It is this Chandralochana who was born as ?Kanyaakumari? at the southernmost tip of Bharata Varsha?

What is ?Rama Gita??
The Rama- Bharata Samvaadam, that took place at Chitrakootam is known as ?Rama Gita?. In it, Rama puts several questions and advises Bharata on ?Raja neethi? (Code of conduct of Kshatriyas). This is akin to similar advice by Lord Krishna to Arjuna at KurukshEtra, this is known as ?Rama- Gita?
(Heard in KalakshEpams of Acharyas)
Anbil Ramaswamy
Pakkath Kowrava paTTaNa prabruthaya: praastha pralambaadaya:
Thaalaankasya tathaa vidhaa vihruthayas thanvanthu bhadraaNi na: /
Ksheeram Sarkara yEva yaabhir apruthak boothaa: prabhoothair guNai:
Aa-kowmaarakam aswadantha jagathE krishNasya thaa: kELaya: //

?May the exploits of Sri Balarama like his turning upside down Hastinaapura, the capital of the Kauravas, his wiping out the Rakshasas like Pralambasura do us all the good. Right from childhood, Balarama was inseparably involved in the sporting activities of Sri Krishna making them more enjoyable, like the inseparable sugar dissolved in milk therby heightening its taste.?

This Avatar and that of Sri KRISHNA happened in Dvaparyuga. Vasudeva's first wife was Rohini. The second wife was Devaki. For the seventh time Devaki conceived and it was Balarama. But, Lord through His `Yogamaya' had the fetus transferred from the womb of Devaki to that of Rohini. Balarama was the aspect of Adisesha, just as Lakshmana was in Ramaavatara.

Balarama was fair in color and he had a palm tree inscribed on his flagstaff. Balarama's weapon was the Hala (plough).

SWAMI SRI DESIKA calls him HELAHALIN - One who wields the plough as his weapon. BALARAMA married REVATI, daughter of Raivata. He killed `RUKMI' brother of Rukmini when he exceeded his limits in his misbehavior. Once he dragged the entire HASTINAPURA with his plough when the Kauravas refused to free SAMBHAN son of JAMBAVATI (one of the wives of Krishna). When the Kauravas surrendered he also released Hastinaapura.

During the Mahabharata war he did not join either Kauravas or PaaNDavas but left on a pilgrimage along with VIDHURA because both sides were his close relatives.

After the destruction of the Yadhavas, he took his serpent form, entered the sea and disappeared. Some scholars say that BALARAMA AVATAR was not a PURNA AVATAR..

1. There is a Slokam, which says that the same Adhisesha of Krita yuga took the form of Lakshmana during Treta yuga, Balarama in Dwapara Yuga, and Bhagavad Ramanuja in Kaliyuga.
Anantha: prathamam roopam Lakshmanasthu tatha: param/
TriteeyO Balabadras thu Kalou Raamaanuja Smritah//

2. ANDAL calls him ?Sempor kazhal aDi selvaa, baladEvaa?
The reason for this is explained by Poorvacharyas as follows:
All the earlier babies born to Devaki met with death. It was only because of the conception of Balarama in Devaki?s womb immediately before His own that a kind of protection arose so that when KrishNa was born he could survive and have a safe passage too!

3. Some substitute Buddha in the place of Balarama. This is not correct and Buddha is NOT recognized as one of the 10 main Avataras. In Mahabaratham Santhi Parva (46.107) Bhishma tells that Krishna would take the form of an auxiliary Avatara as ?Aadhi Buddha? and mislead the non- believers. This ?Aadhi Buddha? is different from the Siddartha Goutama Buddha of historical fame.

4. Balarama is also considered to be the reincarnation of ?Samkarshana?, the first of the 4 the Vyuha murthis next only to Paravaasudeva. Patanjali in his Mahabashyam refers to this aspect when he says ?Samkarshana-Vaasudevou?

5. Praastha Pralambaadhaya: thathaa vidhaa: vihrutayah = That he did so many feats along with Krishna is indicated by this ?aadhaya:?

6. Aa-koumarakam = from childhood days

7. Ksheeram Sarkarayaa iva apruthak bhoothaah = Krishna and Balarama were always together like milk and sugar mixed

8. In 12th Sloka, SD calls him ?Helaahalin? ? The plough was both for fun (leela) and as weapon. Wielding weapon was itself a leela.

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