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SrimatE Raamaanujaaya Namaha //
SrimatE Nigamaanta Mahaa Desikaaya Namaha //
SrIman! SrI Ranga Sriyam anupadravam anudhinam Samvardhaya/
SrIman! SrI Ranga Sriyam anupadravam anudhinam Samvardhaya//
KAvEri VardhathAm kAlE, kAlE varshathu vAsava: /
SrI RanganAthO jayathu Sri Ranga Sri cha VardhathAm//
SRI RANGA SRI VOL.08 / ISSUE # 32 dated 14th July '07 


With this issue, about 259 Regular issues of SRS have been released
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27 Issues of Vol. 1
15 Issues of Vol. 2
42 Issues of Vol. 3
35 Issues of Vol. 4
28 Issues of Vol. 5
30 Issues of Vol. 6
50 Issues of Vol. 7 and
32 Issues of Vol. 8 (including this)
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1. LIST OF AWARDEES conferred on them by His Holiness during the 
function of Srimad ParavakkOttai Andavan Swami 25th year anniversary 
of ascending the throne in Feb 2007

The complete List of Awardees of Titles conferred by His Holiness, 
Srimad Andavan,  ParavakkoTTai Sri Gopala Desika Maha Desikan, 
Poundarikapuram Swami Asramam, Srirangam on the occasion of the 
Silver Jubilee celebrations of his ascent  to the Asrama PeeTam     
(Celebrated at Srirangam on 14th February 2007)


1.      Sri Anbil Ramaswamy Iyengar (item # 12) is the Founder ? 
President of  Swami Desika Darsana Satsangam (SDDS) and Moderator 
of  "Sri Ranga Sri" (SRS) Electronic Journal.
2.      Sri Madhava Kannan Iyengar (item # 11) is a Member of the 
Board of Advisory Consultants (BAC) of Swami Desika Darsana 
Satsangam (SDDS) and the Co- Moderator of "Sri Ranga Sri" (SRS) 
Electronic Journal.
3.      Those marked with asterisks (*) are Members of the Board of 
Advisory Consultants (BAC) of Swami Desika Darsana Satsangam (SDDS) 
and "Sri Ranga Sri" (SRS) Journal. 


1. NAVALPAKKAM  Sri U.Ve. N.S.Ramanuja Tatacharya Swami
                                "NYAYA VEDANTA DHYUMANI"
2. NAVALPAKKAM  Sri U.Ve. Varada Tatacharya Swami
                                "NYAYA VEDA VEDANTA BHASKARA:"
3. VALAYAPETTAI Sri U. Ve. Ramanuja Tatacharya Swami
                                "VEDA VEDANTA PRADEEPA:" 
4. PAIYAMBADI   Sri U.Ve.Setlur Srivatsankacharya Swami *
                                "VYAKARANA VEDANTA ARNAVA:"
5. KOTHIMANGALAM        Sri U.Ve. Varadacharya Swami
                                "NYAYA VEDANTA RATNAKARA:"
6. PAZHAVERI            Sri U.Ve. SadTakopacharya Swami
                                "VEDA VEDANTA KOUSTUBA:"
7. PATTUKKOTTAI Sri U.Ve. Seshadryacharya Swami
                                "NYAYA VEDANTA MARTANDA:" 
8. VADUVOOR             Sri U.Ve. Desikacharya GhanapaaTi Swami
                                "VEDA DHARMA SAASTRA PRAVEENA:"
9. ATMAKUR              Sri U.Ve. Venkatanathacharya Swami
                        "SALAKSHANA VEDA MIMAMSAA SAAGARA:"
10. OPPILIAPPANKOIL Sri U.Ve.V.N.VedantaDesikacharya Swami *
11. ORATHI              Sri U.Ve. Madhava Kannan Iyengar Swami

12. ANBIL               Sri U.Ve. Ramaswamy Iyengar Swami
13. OPPILIAPPANKOIL Sri U.Ve. V.N. Venkatanathacharya Swami *
                                "AACHAARYA SEVAA RASIKA:"
14. BANGALORE   Sri U.Ve.Dr.N.S.Anantharangacharya Swami
                                "VEDANTA RAKSHAA MANI"
15. BANGALORE   Sri U.Ve. Ananta Rangacharya Swami
                                "SATSAMPRADAYA BHOOSHANAM"
16. SRIRANGAM   Sri U.Ve. R.AnantaNarasimhacharya Swami *
                                "SAMPRADAYA PRAVACHANA MANI:"
17. BANGALAORE  Sri U.Ve. Dr. A. Ananta Narasimhacharya      Swami 
(Srikaryam)                             *
18. ADOOR               Sri U.Ve. Aasoori Maadhavacharya Swami
                                "SRISOOKTI PRAVACHANA BHAASKARA:"
19. AARUPAADI   Sri U.Ve. Sri Rama Desikacharya Swami
                                "PINIKKUM MOZHI CHELVAN"
20. VADIVELPURAM        Sri. U.Ve. Seshadri Swami
                                "STOTRA RAKSHAA MANI:"
21. NATTERI             Sri U.Ve. Kidambi Rajagoplacharya Swami *
                                "SRISOOKTI PRAVACHANA DHUREENA:"
22. DELHI               Sri U.Ve. Nadadur D.Rajagoplacharya Swami
                                "SATSAMPRADAYA BHOOSHANAM"
23. MUKUNDAGIRI Sri U.Ve. Ananta Padmanabhacharya Swami
                                "PRAVACHANA SIROMANI:"
24. PAZHAVERI   Sri U.Ve. Lakshmi Narasimhacharya Swami
                                "SATSAMPRADAYA BHOOSHANAM"
25. MYSORE              Sri Sri Vaagheesa:
                                "SAASTREEYA SANGEETA PRAVEENA:" 
26. TIRUPPUTKUZHI       Sri T.N. Aravamudacharya Swami
                                "GEERVANA VANEE RAKSHA MANI:"


Akampanan (one of Kara's assistants) escaped Rama's arrows because 
he ran away from the battlefield in the disguise of a woman. And, 
Rama would never hound out a coward who runs away from the 
battlefield and he would never even look at a woman (whether real or 
disguised).Akampanan straight went to Ravana and reported how the 
entire horde of Kara was finished by a single human being. He waxed 
eloquent on the prowess of Rama as an eye witness to it and 
concluded saying that Ravana with all his might and battalions can 
never equal him in war. Therefore, he suggested that instead of 
opposing him in a battle, it would be better if Ravana could somehow 
abduct Rama's wife of immeasurable beauty and that unable to bear 
separation from her, Rama would give up his life. This appeared to 
Ravana to be a sensible alternative. Straight, he proceeded to 
Maareecha, his uncle, revealed the plan and sought his help. 

Maareecha was taken aback. He told Ravana that he had no chance to 
survive whether he faced Rama in war or played dirty tricks like 
abducting Sita. He gave three examples to highlight his argument.
1.      "udeekshi tum raavaNa iha yukta: sa samyugE Raaghava GANDHA-
HASTEE" "Ganda-hastee"- is a type of elephant from whose body 
emanates a special kind of smell. All animals including other 
elephants would run away from it. Rama is like that elephant. Do not 
go anywhere near him, if you wish to save yourself.
2.      "vidakdha rakshO mrigahaa NRUSIMHA:" He is verily a lion in 
the form of a human being. In no time, he can he destroy every foe, 
even as a majestic lion would chase away deer by its very roar. Do 
not provoke him.
3.      "na Raama PAATAALA MUKHE ati gOrE pra skanditum Raaksha 
raaja yuktam"
Rama is like the gaping mouth of a crater in the hell. Anyone 
entering it can never return alive. Do not attempt this and get 
ruined. Accepting the sage advice of Maareecha, Ravana returned to 
his place.

Ravana's throne had 9 steps. On each step, he made the nine planets 
to lie face down and he used to climb up stepping on their back. 
Naarada who arrived at his court secretly told that the planet 
Saturn who was on the 7th step was very vile and that he should be 
made to face up and Ravana should press hard on his jugular vein and 
ascend the throne. As he did so, Ravana had a closer look at Saturn. 
Saturn also had a closer look at Ravana. The effect of Saturn's gaze 
at Ravana as per Astronomy and Astrology signaled the "beginning of 
his end". 

And, in an instant, this was heralded by the barging in of Soorppa-
nakha in the open court bleeding at where her ears and nose were, 
beating her breast and wailing pitifully on her plight! The poet 
describes the majesty of Ravana in superlative terms to show that 
even such a person would meet with his doom on account of lust and 
anger. Soorppa-nakha started railing him saying that he was unfit to 
be king since he was not aware of the decimation of Kara and others. 
She accused that he had no reliable advisors or intelligence system 
in place to brief him. She told him that was oblivious to his 
impending downfall at the hands of Rama and that after his fall, 
none would care even to look at him but treat him as no better than 
a torn old doormat or a faded flower fit only to be thrown away. In 
her blind love for Rama, she began describing the incomparable 
agility of Rama and the extraordinary beauty of Sita. She suggested 
that he would be most fortunate if he got Sita to marry him. 

Ravana was upset and was stung by her accusations. His sister's 
condition enraged him. But, more than his anger, what overwhelmed 
him was the description of Sita. His falling in love with Sita was 
not "at first sight" as in the case of Soorppa-nakha but even at "no 
sight"! Asked what she did to deserve the punishment at the hands of 
Rama, she bluffed saying that she was also (cha) attempting to 
snatch Sita for Ravana implying that she wanted to marry Rama  and 
in the bargain make Sita marry Ravana. Ravana's lust instantly took 
flight to dizzy heights. He could not wait anymore to see Sita. He 
again proceeded to Maareecha to seek his help. Maareecha was engaged 
in doing a penance. 

On hearing Ravana's request, he started trembling and tried to wean 
him away from his evil designs and narrated his past experiences at 
the hands of Rama once during Viswaamitra's yagjna and again, when 
he went with others to spoil the yagjnas of Sages. Rama's arrows 
killed his friends. He himself escaped death by running away, since 
Rama was known not to chase a foe running away for life. He said 
that since then he saw Rama in every tree clad in tree-barks and 
animal skins holding his bow and arrows as if he was Yama holding 
the noose.
VrikshE vrikshE cha Pasyaami cheera krishNaajeena ambaram/ 
griheeta dhanusham raamam paasa hastam iva antakam//
I am scared when someone utters any word beginning with the 
syllable "ra" like "Ratnam", "Ratam" etc.

Ra-kaara Aadeeni ra-matras tasya RaavaNa/ 
ratnaani cha rathaa: chaiva traasam sam jananti mE//

Ravana would not listen. He said that he had not come to him for 
advice but to order him as King to demand obedience. "If you do not 
obey, I will kill you right here and now". It was "Hobson's choice" 
for Maareecha because if he obeyed Ravana, Rama would surely kill 
him this time and if he did not, Ravana would kill him. In any case, 
he was sure to die at the hands of either. He thought within himself 
that to die at the hands of Rama was any day preferable to being 
killed by Ravana. In a final attempt, he told Ravana that it would 
be honorable for him to fight Rama and take Sita hostage than to 
abduct her by deceit.


Left with no choice, Maareecha agreed to do the bidding of Ravana, 
He took the form of golden hued deer with silver spots dotted all 
over is body. Its body shone with multiple colors like those of the 
rainbow and precious gems like ruby, carbuncle, coral, diamond, 
emerald, lapis lazuli, pearl, sapphire, sardonyx, topaz etc. Though 
he was in the midst of other deer, Maareecha controlled his beastly 
instinct to kill them because that would have exposed him! He was 
jumping here and there near Rama's Asramam. Sita who saw the deer 
was so enamored of its beauty that she wanted to catch it when it 
came very near to her but it evaded by running away when she was 
about to reach it. Thinking that she could not catch it all by 
herself, she called out to Rama and LakshmaNa to come out with their 
weapons in the hope that if it was possible to catch it alive she 
could take it home as a memento and play with it and if not, they 
could kill it and take the skin for display in the palace on their 

LakshmaNa was the first to suspect that it could be the same 
Maareecha whom Rama had earlier pushed into the ocean and cautioned 
that it was deluding them with some ulterior motives. Sita would not 
listen and insisted on catching it. She persuaded Rama who 
ultimately agreed at last that if it were the one as identified by 
LakshmaNa, it deserved to be killed and if it was just another real 
deer, he could capture it for satisfying Sita's simple desire.

Before leaving to go after the deer, Rama gave strict orders to 
LakshmaNa that in his absence he should take special care of Sita 
since Sita could not be left alone under any circumstances.  The 
deer dodged Rama and played "hide and seek" with him. Rama got 
exasperated so much that he finally shot "Brahma-astra" and this 
killed Maareecha. As tutored by Ravana, mimicking the voice of Rama, 
he rent out a shrill cry "Ha! SeethE! Ha! LakshmaNa!" that gave a 
false impression that it was Rama who was in danger! This 
reverberated throughout the forest.

On hearing this, Sita got nervous and asked LakshmaNa to hasten to 
the help of Rama, who she thought had got into serious trouble at 
the hands of Raakshasas. LakshmaNa assured her that Rama was 
invincible and no harm could ever befall him. In a fit of rage at 
his hesitation to reach out to Rama, Sita improperly accused 
LakshmaNa by imputing motives especially that he was waiting to 
enjoy Sita when Rama was gone for ever! 

In a conversation with Paarvati, Lord Siva says that if a person 
(man or woman) covets other's wealth or betrays the legally married 
spouse and craves for sex with another's spouse, such a one would be 
dragged by Yama's messengers to hell and pushed to hug a copper 
pillar burning ablaze with fire. This is confirmed in Periya 
Tirumozhi" (1-6-4)

Vambulaan koondal manaiviyai turandu, pirar poruL taaram enru ivatrai
Nambinaar irandaal naman tamar patri etri vaithu eri ezhuginra 
Sembinaal iyanra paavaiyaip paavee! Thazhuvu ena mozhivadarkku anji
Nam banE vandu unn tiruvaDi aDaindEn naimisa araNyathuL enthaai/

{This is an object lesson for all time not only during the time of 
the Azhwar}

There was a PouraaNikar (Story teller) who was narrating this but 
was himself guilty of the same offense. On his return home, his 
concubine asked him whether they would also be subjected to this 
punishment for their illicit behavior. It would appear that the man 
answered: "Don't worry! My dear! From time immemorial millions of 
folks like us would have committed the offence and hugged the pillar 
so that it would have become comfortably cool for us!"

Sita threatened that if LakshmaNa did not budge, she would commit 
suicide. LakshmaNa felt hurt at her filthy accusation. But, more 
importantly, he was scared that she might commit suicide, if he did 
not move out. Cautioning her to take extra care, he left her alone 
to go in search of Rama. 

(It is interesting to note that there is NO MENTION of the popular 
episode of "LakshmaNa REkha" either by Valmiki or by Kamban!)

A little after LakshmaNa left, Ravana appeared before Sita in the 
garb of an ascetic complete with ochre robes, staff, KamaNDalam, 
begging bowl et al. and "saw" with his own eyes the beauty of Sita 
about which he had "only heard" as described by Akampanan, Soorppa-
nakha and Maareecha. As if he did not know, he made enquiries about 
her and why she was in the forest all alone. Offering respects due 
to a holy man, Sita offered him the usual courtesies. Ravana started 
describing about himself taking his true form with 10 heads and 20 
arms, to impress Sita as to show how mighty he was. When he revealed 
his mission to her to accept him as her husband, Sita spurned him 
with utmost contempt saying that while in comparing Rama to him -
- Rama was like a lion while he was like a mean and cowardly wolf.
- Rama was like gold while he was like despicable lead.
- Rama was like an ocean while he was like an unsightly puddle.
- Rama was like Sandalwood paste while he was like wet and stinking 
- Rama was like a majestic elephant while he was like a puny and 
scheming cat.
- Rama was like GaruDa while he was like the abominable crow. 
She said to him: "Give up this evil thought. Rama will come back in 
a short while. The arrow issuing forth from his KodaNDam would 
destroy you in an instant. If you want to save your life, run away 
from here".

Ravana got scared. He wanted to abduct Sita before Rama came. 
Lifting her by her hairs, he placed her on his "Pushpaka Vimaanam" 
(flying chariot) and took off. As they were flying, Sita cried aloud 
for help.

Kamban, however, could not imagine Ravana touching her even by a 
hair's breath! So, he says that Ravana literally lifted the 
hermitage itself along with Sita in it. 

Hearing the wail of Sita, JaTaayu who was half asleep, woke up and 
challenged Ravana to a fight. Valmiki calls him "Sreemaan" because 
he was having "Kainkarya Sri" of dedicating himself to the service 
of Bhagavaan. JaTaayu told Ravana that he was dastardly in carrying 
Sita away stealthily instead of facing and vanquishing Rama in a 
fight. His having studied the Vedas was futile like the tail of a 
dog because of his "adharma"
"Sunah puchcham iva paaNDityam Dharma varjitam"
A fierce fight ensued between the big bird and the Raakshasa in 
which JaTaayu inflicted serious wounds on Ravana's body with his 
beaks and claws. He cut off the ten hands on the one side of Ravana 
but the hands grew up again. Ravana cut off the wings of JaTaayu 
with his sword. JaTaayu fell down almost dead. 

(There is no mention either in Valmiki or in Kamban as some would 
have us believe,  that JaTaayu gave out the secret that his life 
line was in his wings and if his wings were cut, he would die)

Sita consoled JaTaayu and asked him to inform Rama of her abduction. 
Picking out her jewels, she bundled them up in a piece of yellow 
cloth and threw it down at a place where she saw a few monkeys 
standing on top of a hillock in the hope that they might serve as 
evidence of her whereabouts later on to Rama and LakshmaNa. Ravana, 
however, did not notice this.

Arriving at his palace, Ravana kept her in a secure location 
ordering his assistants not to allow any entry to anyone to that 
place. Then he forcibly took her on a guided tour of his palace to 
impress her of his unimaginable wealth and addressed Sita 
about "Raakshasa Vivaaham" that was the norm for Raakshasas. She 
threw a blade of grass in between and told him that he would perish 
like a goat tied to the sacrificial pole that cannot escape death. 
After much argument, Ravana warned her that he was giving her 12 
months' time to change her mind and if she did not do so by that 
time, he would have her cooked for his breakfast!

Rama and LakshmaNa were heading towards each other. Rama was taken 
aback when he saw LakshmaNa coming alone leaving Sita behind and 
severely criticized him for this. Not finding Sita at the Asramam, 
Rama asked LakshmaNa to go back to AyOdhya to inform that Sita was 
missing and Rama had died unable to bear the separation and that 
this news would gladden the heart of KaikEyi. Already tormented by 
the cruel accusation by Sita, LakshmaNa was even more depressed when 
Rama used such harsh words. LakshmaNa narrated the circumstances in 
which he had to leave Sita behind. They started their search for 
Sita. Rama was reminded of the happy days which they spent together. 
Wherever he saw his sorrow turned unbearably poignant. Like a man on 
the street, Rama pathetically asked even trees like KaDamba, Bilva, 
Paalai, Maruda, ManjaaDi, AshOka, Palm, Jamoon, Kongu, Mango, 
Aachaa, Palaa (Jackfruit), MaaduLai, vEngai etc, flower plants like 
Jasmine, Chambakam, Screw-pine (Taazham-poo), animals like deer, 
elephants, tigers, etc. and rivers like Godavari etc whether anyone 
of them had seen Sita and asked them to inform him, if they knew. 
But, none replied for fear of Ravana! Then, Rama lamented that even 
if he were to go to heavens, he would have to meet his father there 
who would chide him for not completing the 14 year tenure of his 
exile. Looking at a rock, he narrated nostalgically how he and Sita 
once took bath in the river and that when he tried to climb and sit 
on the rock she pushed him aside (like in a musical chair game!) and 
made fun of him for losing to her. And told him how he missed her 

On the way, they saw JaTaayu lying in a pool of blood. JaTaayu told 
them that Ravana abducted Sita in their absence and that he gave a 
stiff fight only to be mortally wounded by Ravana. Rama was steeped 
in sorrow on successive procession of misfortunes, first in getting 
banished, death of Dasaratha, chasing the false deer, missing of 
Sita, and now the death of JaTaayu. He cursed himself and even 
feared that he might miss LakshmaNa also! JaTaayu consoled Rama 
saying that all these incidents were due to destiny about which none 
should grieve. JaTaayu said: "I am glad that I had the good fortune 
to see you and convey the message. I can now breathe my last with 
composure".  Before he could complete his sentence for giving out 
further details, the life of JaTaayu ebbed out. Rama asked LakshmaNa 
to make the funereal pyre, laid the body of JaTaayu on it and 
ignited it. The messengers of Lord VishNu appeared and took JaTaayu 
to the highest world, MOksha.

H.H. narrates a funny story about a "Muslim Ramayana". Having heard 
about the popularity of Ramayana, a Muslim king requested a poet to 
depict him as the hero in a Muslim Ramayana. The poet could not 
refuse. He asked for time for one year. At the end of it the king 
asked him if he had completed the novel epic. The poet replied that 
he could not complete because he got a doubt and was afraid to ask 
the king about it. The king asked him to spell out the doubt. The 
poet said: "Rama's wife was abducted by Ravana. Who abducted your 
wife?" The King asked him to bring the palm leaves to be burnt. The 
poet had not even commenced writing. He brought them and burnt the 
blank leaves before the King!

(To Continue with AaraNya kaaNdam)
SrImate ra'nga rAmAnuja mahA deSikAya namaH.

tAtparya ratnAvaLi - Submission 27, Slokam 14 Part 3, tiruvAimozhi 
1.4 contd.
pASuram 1.4.5:
nalgit tAn kAttu aLikkum pozhil Ezhum vinaiyERke
nalgattAn AgAdO?  nAraNanaik kaNDakkAl
malgu nIr punal paDappai irai tEr vaN SiRu kurugE!
malgu nIr kaNNERku Or vAcakam koNDu aruLAyE.
pozhil Ezhum nalgik kAttu aLikkum tAn, vinaiyERku nalga AgAdu tAnO?  
malgu nIr punal paDappai irai tEr vaN SiRu kurugE! nAraNanaik 
kaNDakkAl malgu nIr kaNNERku Or vAcakam koNDu aruLAi ? Is it 
possible that emperumAn who is a friend to all the jIva-s in all the 
seven worlds, and removes all their sufferings and bestows His 
blessings, just feels that it is not appropriate to be friendly to a 
sinner like me?  Oh merciful little sArasa bird looking for food in 
the rich waters in the gardens!  If by chance you see my Lord 
nArAyaNan anywhere, please bring some word of comfort from Him for 
me who am filled with tearful eyes.
svAmi deSikan summarises the primary guNa of bhagavAn sung in this 
pASuram through the words " jagad-upajanana sthApana ati-priyatvAt" ?
 He who delights Himself in creating and protecting all the beings 
of the world - nalgit tAn Ezh pozhilum kAttu aLikkum.  (nalgi ? sa-
snehamAga ? By displaying extreme attachment ? ati-priyatvAt; tAn ? 
By His own free will; By His very nature ? kAkkum iyalvinan.  svAmi 
deSikan's thoughts here are more elaborately reflected in the 
pASuram "kAkkum iyalvinan kaNNa perumAn" (pASuram 2.2.9 ? please 
refer to the write-up for this pASuram under the series tri-mUrti-s 
in tiruvAimozhi).  BhagavAn undertakes all the three functions - 
creation, protection, and destruction only for the sake of the 
benefit of the jIva-s, because of the attachment He has for the jIva-
s who are but His children.  Of special note in the context of 
bhagavAn's guNam of aparAdha-sahatvam at the daSakam level, is that 
He puts up with the inadvertent violations of His command not only 
by those who are inclined towards Him, but also the deliberate 
aparAdham-s of those who are avowed nAstika-s or non-believers.  
Note that azhvAr has chosen the word nArAyaNan in the pASuram ? 
nAraNanaik kaNDAl.  All jIva-s without exception are covered by the 
word `nAra', and He is their ayanam or final resort.  Thus, He gives 
a new body to all at the end of current life so that they have 
another chance to seek Him with a new body with full vigor, and He 
takes their old body away when their current body becomes too old to 
be of use to them in trying to attain Him.  And when the jIva is 
associated with a body in this world, bhagavAn creates all the 
things needed for their enjoyment and nourishment, and thus He 
protects the jIva-s.  All this is because of His extreme aparAdha 
pASuram 1.4.6:  
aruLAda nIr aruLi avar Avi tuvarA mun
aruL Azhip puT-kaDavIr vIdi oru nAL enRu
aruL Azhi ammAnaik kaNDakkAl idu Solli
aruL Azhi vari vaNDE! yAmum en pizhaittOmE.
Azhi vari vaNDE! AruL Azhi ammAnaik kaNDakkAl aruLAda nIr avar Avi 
tuvarA mun aruLi, aruL Azhi puL avar vIdi oru nAL kaDavIr enRu idu 
Solli aruL; yAmum en pizhaittOm?  - Oh bee who is merrily circling 
around!  If you happen to see that emperumAn with the divine cakra 
that is merciful in protecting His devotees, please favor me by 
inforing Him that before the life of His pirATTi whom He has ignored 
by not blessing her through union with Him leaves her body, He 
should pass by her street at least once in His vehicle in the form 
of the merciful garuDan.  (If He does not accede to this request 
even), I wonder what sin I have committed to be treated this way.
svAmi deSikan summarizes the essence of this pASuram as "kAruNya 
Aptatva yogAt" ? H who is a relative and a friend to everyone out of 
His sheer mercy" ? aruL Azhi ammAn (kRpA samudra sudarSana dharanAna 
svAmi ? The Supreme Lord who bears the sudarSana cakram who is the 
Ocean of Mercy).   SrI UV explains svAmi deSikan's words - "kAruNya 
Aptatva yogAt",  as "tattva sAkshAtkAramum, upadeSa sAmarthyamum, 
prANigaLiDam karuNaiyum uLLavan" ? He who possesses the knowledge of 
the Absolute Truth, who can skillfully impart it to others, and who 
has the utmost Mercy to do it.  Notice AzhvAr using the words "aruL 
Azhi", "aruL puL", etc. ? everything about emperumAn is "aruL" ? 
SrI UV gives an alternate pATham also here ? kAruNya abdhitva yogAt, 
and notes that this will be consistent with AzhvAr's description ? 
aruL Azhi ammAn.  No additional explanation is provided, and the 
other commentators do not make a reference to this pATham.  `abdhi' 
means ocean, and this is also one meaning for the word `Azhi'.  
Thus, this alternate pATham could mean "One who is associated with 
the quality of being an Ocean of Mercy".   
-dAsan kRshNamAcAryan

(To be continued)


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