taking stock, changing directions.

howdy guys, gals, and others. i’m sorry for the announced (and unannounced) periods of m.i.a.ness. december had some expected (and unexpected) distractions, and before i realized it, the month had eaten itself. (…oops.)

and now 2011 is drawing near! i’m almost categorically against new year’s resolutions, per se, but i do appreciate careful year-end thought and reflection over the actions and events that have led you to this point, and where you’d like to go from here (in all areas of life, including one’s blog :)).

one of the things i’ve wanted to do for quite a while is get back to some “serious” drawing – that is, the kind where i really push myself, rather than just dialing in recycled images that’ve shown up here for years.

and so that’s what i’ve been doing, and hope to continue doing. zoey got me some proper pencils/charcoals and sketchbooks for christmas, and i’m getting back to drawing for the first time in over a decade. i’d like to share some of what i’ve done recently, and so to atone (at least a little) for my absence, i’ll put up one drawing daily for the next week or so. hopefully, these will continue to be a regular part of what you see here, along with the more “traditional” stuff.

all in all, i must admit, 2010 has been pretty damn good to me. i can’t even imagine what 2011 has in store.

happy new day to you.