Inauguration Scheduling

Reagan decided to be sworn in as governor at 12:10 AM, with his term as Governor officially beginning at 12:01 AM. Reagan said that he didn't want to interfere with some college football bowl games that were on television on January 2.
Former Governor Edmund Brown thought the hour strange. "My only guess is that it's because he believes in astrology. I understand he does," said Brown.
Two astrologers agreed with Brown's statement. One noted that Jupiter, the sign of kings and a symbol of prosperity and fame, would be high in the sky at the moment of his inauguration. "I truly suspect that Reagan was advised by an astrologer because no better time could be picked," said astrologer Chester Arthur.
All this speculation made Reagan angry. The inauguration was held at 12:01 AM, a time with less astrological significance.

From Ed

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