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  1. Nerve Center: Lessons on Governing from the White House Chiefs of Staff. 2004.
    This book length manuscript combines scholarly comment and the transcript of the Forum of Former White House Chiefs of Staff, which convened all but three of the living former White House Chiefs to discuss the management of the White House and preparations for the presidential transition.
  2. The White House World: Transitions, Organization, and Operations. 2003. with Martha Kumar. Texas A& M University Press
    This edited volume presents the collected work of the White House 2001 Project, its original essays on White House operations, its organizational materials used by the transition teams, and the materials used by the Bush White House in developing their transition plans.
  3. Congress: Structure and Policy, with M. McCubbins. Series on Political Economy of Institutions & Decisions. James Alt and Douglas North, general editors. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1987.
  4. Procedural Structure: Success and Influence in Congress. New York: Praeger, 1984.

In Progress

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Articles in Refereed Journals

  1. [Formal Model]Presidential Persuasive Advantage, Compliance Gaining, and Sequencing. with Gregory Petrow. Congress and the Presidency [forthcoming].
  2. "Meeting the Freight Train Head On ­ Planning for the Presidential Transition." With Martha Kumar, George C. Edwards, III, and James Pfiffner. Presidential Studies Quarterly, 30,4(December 2000):754-69. Copies available at
  3. "Confronting the Kennedy Tapes: The May-Zelikow Transcripts and the Stern Assessments," Presidential Studies Quarterly, 30,3(September 2000):594-7.
  4. "The White House Interview Program ­ Objectives, Resources, and Releases." With Martha Kumar. Presidential Studies Quarterly, 30,2(June 2000):382-7.
  5. "Presidential Recordings as Presidential Data - Evaluating LBJ's Recorded Conversations." with Jennifer Hora, Luke Keele, Todd McNoldy, and Gregory Pettis. Presidential Studies Quarterly, 29,4(Autumn): 931-42
  6. "Impeachment Practice in the Era of Lethal Conflict." Congress and the Presidency, 25(Autumn 1998):117-28. Download a copy of the copyrighted article in PDF.
  7. "New Evidence Undercutting the Linkage of Prestige with Presidential Support and Influence." with Kenneth Collier. Journal of Politics, 57(1995):197-209.
  8. "President-Centered and Presidency-Centered Explanations of Presidential Public Activity." with Gregory L. Hager. American Journal of Political Science, 38(1994): 675-92. Download a pdf version of the copyrighted article.
  9. "The Bank Account Presidency: A New Measure and Evidence on the Temporal Path of Presidential Influence." American Journal of Political Science, 35(1991):686-723.
  10. "Wrong Questions, Ø-Questions, Legitimate Questions, Reasoned Answers: Affirming the Study of Temporal Paths." American Journal of Political Science, 35(1991):730-37.
  11. "Bargaining with the President: A Simple Game and New Evidence." American Political Science Review, 84(1990):1167-96. Download a pdf version of the copyrighted article.
  12. "Explaining Why Presidents Count: Signaling and Information." Journal of Politics, 52(1990):939-62.
  13. "Headcounts, Expectations, and Presidential Coalitions in Congress." American Journal of Political Science, 32(1987):567-89.
  14. "Presidential Leadership in Congress: Securing Commitments." M. McCubbins and T. Sullivan, eds. Congress: Structure and Policy. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1987:286-308.
  15. "Constituency Influences on Legislative Policy Choice." with M. McCubbins. Quantity and Quality, 18(1984):299-319.
  16. "Policy and Constituency: Reelection Incentives and the Choice of Policy Intervention." with G. Cox and M. McCubbins. Social Choice and Welfare, 1(1984):231-42.
  17. "Risk and Regret for the Expected Utility Maximizer." with N. Frohlich and G. Miller. Political Methodology, 5(1978):109-21.
  18. "Voter's Paradox and Logrolling: An Initial Framework for Committee Behavior on Appropriations and Ways and Means." Public Choice, 25(1976):31-44.

In Progress

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Other Published Articles

  1. "Already Buried and Sinking Fast - Presidential Nominees and Inquiry," PS ‹ Political Science and Politics, special symposium, March 2002:31-4. Reprinted in The White House World. Download a pdf version of this copyrighted article.
  2. "Repetitiveness, Redundancy, and Reform ­ Rationalizing the Inquiry of Presidential Nominees," in Paul Light and G. Calvin MacKenzie, editors, The Presidential Appointments Process, Washington: The Brookings Institution, forthcoming Summer 2001:196-230.
  3. "In Full View ­ The Inquiry of Presidential Nominees." Reports from the White House 2001 Project, Nomination Forms Online Program, Study number 15(April 2001) 43 pages. Also submitted for the record at the request of the U.S. Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs. Copies available at
  4. "Fabulous Formless Darkness ­ Presidential Nominees and the Morass of Inquiry," The Brookings Review, 12,2(Spring 2001):22-27.
  5. "Refining the White House Personal Data Statement." Reports from the White House 2001 Project, Nomination Forms Online Program, Study number 14(March 2001) 14 pages. Copies available at
  6. "Changing the White House Personal Data Statement." Reports from the White House 2001 Project, Nomination Forms Online Program, Study number 9(December 2000) 16 pages. Copies available at
  7. "Analyzing Questionnaires for Nominees." Reports from the White House 2001 Project, Nomination Forms Online Program, Study number 8(December 2000) 14 pages. Copies available at
  8. "A Guide to Inquiry ­ Executive Questionnaires." Reports from the White House 2001 Project, Nomination Forms Online Program, Study number 7(November 2000) 49 pages. Copies available at
  9. "Soon They Will Walk Among Us - a beginner's guide to understanding formal theory." PRG Report, 21(Fall 1998):15-21.
  10. "In Selecting the Archivist, Mr. President, Choose Political Astuteness over Pedigree," The Chronicle of Higher Education, March 10, 1995: Section II, page 1f.
  11. "On Becoming APt: Research Using Presidential Archives." Presidential Research, (Fall, 1992):1,4ff.
  12. "Spreading APt: Research Using Presidential Archives." Presidential Research, (Spring 1992):1, 4ff.
  13. "Domestic Legislative Coalitions and Impeachment." L. Friedman and W. Levantrosser, eds. Watergate and Afterward: The Legacy of Richard Nixon. New York: Greenwood Press, 1992:
  14. "A Matter of Fact: The "Two Presidencies" Thesis Revitalized." S. Shull, ed. The "Two Presidencies": A Quarter Century Assessment. Chicago: Nelson-Hall, 1991:143-157.
  15. "Developing APt: Archival Resources and Congressional Research." Extensions, Fall 1989:4- 6ff. Reprinted in LSG Newsletter, Washington: APSA Legislative Studies Group 1990.
  16. "The Bargaining Approach to Presidential Leadership in Congress." Presidential Research, 10(1988):12-22.
  17. "Majority Party Leadership and Partisan Vote-Gathering: the House Democratic Whip System." with Lawrence C. Dodd. F. MacKaman, ed., Understanding Congressional Leadership: the State of the Art. Washington: Congressional Quarterly Press, 1982.

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Electronic Publications (World Wide Web)

  1. REAGAN: A Time for Choices (a joint project with CNN Interactive).
  2. The Camp David Accords: Framework for Peace. A demonstration of PRESIDENT. 1995.
  3. LIA - Leadership Information Archives, with Cheryl Friedman. 1994.
  4. PRESIDENT - Presidential Libraries IDEA Network. 1994-96.
  5. Presidential Sites Commission - presidential information resources.
  6. CINet - Community IDEA Network. 1994.

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