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The Executive Secretariat of the Network is located in a room of approximately 160 m2 of the Dental School of UFRJ. This area belongs to the prior Research Division of the Dental School, now called Coordination of Integrated Programs of Research and Development (COPIPED). The Secretariat has offices and meeting rooms, next to a data processing center and exclusive lines of fax and phone, and Post Office Box.

WHO Collaborating Center

Official relations were established among the Dental School of UFRJ and the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) and the World Health Organization (WHO). The recognition by these organization of COPIPED as a WHO Collaborating Center for Research and Promotion of Oral Health, and COPIPED being the headquarters of CEDROS Network, assure favorable conditions to the development of both.

OFEDO/Networks Project

The Organization of Dental Schools, Faculties and Departments (OFEDO), linked to the Union of Latin American Universities (UDUAL) has developed a program similar to many of the CEDROS ideas and reaches all Latin America. The Project is based on five development poles located in the following countries: Mexico, Costa Rica, Venezuela, Brazil and Argentina. The CEDROS Network has joined this project representing the Pole IV (Brazil).

Project of North-South Integration

This is a project supported by the Kellogg Foundation , designed to favor exchange in the areas of teaching and research. It comprehends Dental Schools of Latin and North America.

The project was formulated by the American Association of Dental Schools (AADS) and OFEDO/ UDUAL, being the University of Puerto Rico chosen for the coordination of the project, by its historical link with the two hemispheres.

The project will consist of six workshops, three in each side of the continent, related to specific subjects concerning Dentistry's development. The first meeting will be on Leadership and will take place in Brazil, in Rio de Janeiro, from

August 3 to 7, 1992. The CEDROS Network will be in charge of the basic infrastructure of the event.

IDA Network/Brazil

An important relation was established with the Network of Projects of Education-Services Integration (IDA Network), supported by the Kellogg Foundation since 1986, and gathering around sixty projects all around Brazil. These projects usually focus in the health area as a whole. The IDA Network is organized in Sub-Networks in specific areas as women health, workers health, child health etc., and in supporting areas such as epidemiology, evaluation etc. The CEDROS Network has relations with this other Network, representing the dental component of the projects, as a Sub-Network for Oral Health.

Meetings of Teachers of Social and Preventive Dentistry (SPD) in the São Paulo State

The São Paulo Node organized in the months of December 1990 and August 1991 meetings which included the participation of teachers from seventeen universities of that State. The meetings focused mainly in questions related to the course content of Social and Preventive Dentistry and to the external activities of the school. These meetings were of great significance for the establishment and consolidation of an intrastate network, involving also representatives of professional associations and service area.

Translation of a WHO Manual

The Supporting System of the Network in Oral Epidemiology translated into Portuguese the manual of WHO named "Oral Health Surveys - Basic Methods - 3rd. edition", which is already available, published by Editora Santos - SP.

It is expected that this manual will allow not only the quantitative increase of available data on the oral health problems in Brazil, but also the quality and comparability of data achieved. This, would assure that the Brazilian data for the WHO World Oral Epidemiological Program will be in accordance with international standards.

I Meeting of Dental Schools of Rio de Janeiro

In June 1991 the Rio Node organized a meeting attended by school directors, teaching coordinators and teachers of Social and Preventive Dentistry from seven universities of the state. At that occasion, the subjects discussed were: "Review of the Undergraduate Curriculum in Dental Schools" and "Teaching of Social and Preventive Dentistry".

Salt Fluoridation

With support of the Working Group of Mass Methods for prevention of caries, the project area-index of salt fluoridation was installed in the city of Cabo Frio (Lake Region in the Rio de Janeiro State). The project was initiated with a workshop in the months of March and April, 1992. The workshop was sponsored by the City Hall of Cabo Frio, and had the participation of CEDROS members related to the following universities: Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), University of the Rio de Janeiro State (UERJ), Federal University of Goiás and University of São Paulo (USP), and also of a representative of the Health Ministry. As a result of this workshop an epidemiological survey of caries, periodontal diseases, malocclusion and fluorosis was performed in children aged 5-12 years and teenagers aged 15, in accordance with the standards set by WHO. Studies of fluoride excretion in urine and fluoride levels in the water supply were also performed for the total population of the city. Actual fluoridated salt distribution in Cabo Frio began in June 1992.

I Annual Meeting of the CEDROS Network

In August 1991, the first meeting of the Network was held including participants involved in the Working Groups and Supporting Systems. The meeting had the participation of 29 persons from several states, belonging to universities, professional associations and service institutions, and was useful for the evaluation of the first period of activities of the CEDROS Network and to set priorities for the future.

Course on Health Education

As an activity of the Working Group of Self-Care and Communitary Participation, a theoretical/practical course on methods and materials for health education was run in January 1992, in the Executive Secretariat of CEDROS. The teachers were Felipe González and Clara Misrachi from the University of Chile, and the course had the participation of 20 persons, among dentists, teachers and health promoters involved in projects of this line in the city of Rio de Janeiro.

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