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The II Oral Health National Conference has date and program already defined

Based on the conclusions of the IX Health National Conference, which approved its extension to a conference specifically on Dentistry, the national entities of the dental profession - ABO, ABENO, FIO, FNO and CFO, supported by the coordination of the Oral Health of the Health Ministry, the National Council of Health State Secretaries and the National Council of Health Municipal Secretaries have elected the period from September 27 to 29, 1993 to hold the II National Conference on Oral Health.

With the subject "Oral Health is a Right of the Citizenship", the Conference will take place at the Ulisses Guimarães Convention Center, in Brasília.

Five preparatory meetings were held in Brasilia, involving the entities mentioned above, to discuss the composition of delegations, the institutions invited, the national coordination, subjects and conferences schedule, besides the operational proceedings to be followed.

Among the several resolutions, it is worthy to emphasize the schedule of the State Conferences - until August 31, 1993 - and the Municipal Conferences - until 15 days before the State ones.

The program of the Conference was defined as follows:



8:00 to 9:30 · Opening

9:30 to 12:00 · Citizenship and Oral Health

9:30 to 10:00 · Conceptualization, with epidemiological emphasis, of integrality, universality, etc. · Lecturer: Volney Garrafa - UnB

10:00 to 10:30 - Present situation of the Oral Health in the country and the Unique Health System · Lecturer: Sergio Pereira - MS/COBUC

10:00 to 11:00 · Oral Health Policies Lecturer: Paulo Capel - Public Health School/SP

11:00 to 12:00 · Discussion


2:00 to 6:00 · Discussion in groups


6:00 to 8:00 · Dental Institutions and Entities in the Discussion of Citizenship in Oral Health

10' - Brazilian Dental Association

10' - Brazilian Dental Teaching Association

10' - Federal Dental Council

10' - Interstate Dental Federation

10' - National Dental Federation

10' - SESI and SESC

10' - Representation of Users

10' - Representation of the Private Sector

10' - Representation of the Public Sector



8:30 to 12:00 · Oral Health and the Unique Health System

8:30 to 9:00 · The model of services and its development in the different levels · Lecturer: Eugenio Vilaça Mendes

9:00 to 9:40 · Human Resources in Oral Health for SUS Lecturers: André César Médici - IPEA and Claudia Maria Silva - Human Resources/SUS/Health Ministry

9:40 to 10:20 · Funding Oral Health in the SUS · Lecturers: Carlos Mosconi and Vitor Gomes Pinto

10:20 to 10:50 · Social Control in Oral Health · Lecturers: 2 to be indicated by users

11:00 to 12:00 · Discussion


2:00 to 6:00 · Discussion in Groups


6:00 to 8:00 · Municipal and State Health Councils - Regulamentation and Experience Lecturers:

10' · Representative Minas Gerais

10' - Representative Manaus/AM

10' - Representative Santos/SP

10' - Representative Curitiba/PR

10' - Representative Pernambuco/PE

10' - CONASS


10' - National Health Council



8:30 to 12:00 · Final discussion

The CNSB/MS has the detailed report made by the Organizing Committee and remains at your disposal for any further information on the phone n. (061) 225-6290 or 314-6493.

CEDROS Oral Health Booklets in São Paulo

The first three publications of the "Oral Health Booklets" of the CEDROS Network series were released in the Public Health School of USP, on April 14 .

The event was sponsored and coordinated by the São Paulo Node of the Network, the Public Health School/USP and the Health Secretary of the São Paulo State, through its Oral Health coordination. Seventy professionals from the areas of education, research, professional associations and local health services, took part in it.

The activity opened with Prof. Aracy Spínola, Director of the Health Public School of USP, who confirmed the support offered by that institution to the CEDROS Network since its creation, and the positive results achieved up to the moment. At the table we still had the presence of Prof. Evelyn, Chief of the Health Practice Department, Prof. Antonio Galvão Fortuna, Doctor in the Dental area of the PHS/USP, Dr. Eymar Sampaio Lopes, Coordinator of the São Paulo Node of the CEDROS Network, Dr. Maria Ercília de Araújo, State Coordinator of the Group of Oral Health Attention, and Dr. Thomaz Chianca, Executive Secretary of the CEDROS Network.

After the initial presentation, Dr. Chianca made a brief explanation about the work developed by the CEDROS Network by means of its Working Groups, Supporting Systems and Development Nodes, and the relationship set with both national and international projects and networks.

Afterwards, the following professionals were invited to take part in the board: Dr. Sylvio Gevaerd, from the Collective Health Study Center of Paraná, representing the WG Health Local Systems/Oral Health; Dr. Douglas Schneider, from the City Hall of Diadema/SP, representing the WG Water Fluoridation; and Dr. Catalina Rivera, from the State Secretariat of São Paulo, representing the WG AIDS. Dr. Gevaerd presented Oral Health Booklet n. 1, "What to do in the municipal districts?", Dr. Schneider introduced booklet n. 2, "Water fluoridation: how to do the sanitary vigilance?", and Dr. Rivera presented the 3rd. booklet "AIDS: Manual of oral manifestations and infection control".

The great interest showed by the participants confirmed CEDROS expectations of good acceptance, by the target public, of the publications developed by the network WGs.

Dr. Chianca explained that the booklets will soon be sent to the main institutions in the oral health area (schools, state and municipal secretariats, representative entities of the dental area). Those who are interested in purchasing issues should write or call the Executive Secretariat in Rio.

Indiana University School of Dentistry hosted the Second North-South Project on Dental Education

Dr. Rafael I. Aponte

Director of North-South Project - Porto Rico University

Dental educators from North, Central, and South America met at Indiana University, School of Dentistry for a three-day workshop (March 15-17) to future develop the communication network among dental health experts throughout the Americas in an effort towards the improvement of oral health in hot hemispheres.

This workshop was part of a series of five seminars coordinated and administered by the University of Puerto Rico, School of Dentistry, and funded by the W.K. Kellogg Foundation and the University of Puerto Rico, School of Dentistry.

Indiana University was selected because of its international reputation in dental research, specially in the area of fluoridation. Members of the I.U. dental faculty, led by Dean William Gilmore and Dr. George K. Stookey were among the lecturers. Distinguished participants from Brazil, Argentina, Costa Rica, Mexico, Venezuela, and Peru contributed as lecturers. Institutions and associations, such as the National Institute of Dental Research, the American Association of Dental Schools, the Inter-national Association of Dental Research, and the International College of Dentists were represented at the workshop. Proceeding of this important seminar will be published and sent to 225 oral health care institutions in Latin America.

The third workshop will be held at the University of Costa Rica, School of Dentistry in San José from September 19-21, 1993 on the subject of "Prevention". The program will feature well-known dental health experts from North and South America presenting state of the art on this subject, as well as research and community programs

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