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Santos (SP) City Hall publishes results of the Sanitary Vigilance System of water fluoridation in 1992

Using the same methodology contained in the CEDROS manual "Water fluoridation: how to do the sanitary vigilance?", just published, the City Hall of Santos/SP has been developing a system to monitor the fluoride content in the supplying water since May, 1990.

The system is based on the analysis of monthly samples of (tap) water from six different points. The points are selected according to the analysis of the water distribution system.

The range between 0.6 to 0.8% fpm of fluoride is considered acceptable. If any irregularity is observed, the Health and Hygiene Secretariat of Santos requires the proper entities to make the necessary arrangements in order to restore the normality.

In 1992, 54 samples, out of the 72 foreseen, were collected and examined. The results are shown in Table 1.

Table 2 identifies the total number of acceptable and unacceptable samples, according to the criterion adopted, as it is mentioned above.

From the data analysis, we conclude that only 3 out of the 54 samples collected and analyzed are classified as unacceptable, while 94.4% of the samples are acceptable.

Table 3 identifies the comparative data of 1991 and 1992.

The data observed during 1992 showed improvement of the water fluoridation in Santos.

In 1991, 31.9% of the samples were classified as unacceptable; this percentage decreased to

5.6% in 1992. This improvement coincided with the adoption of activities of control by SEHIG - Santos, through the Municipal System of Sanitary Vigilance.

The result seen in 1992 should be kept in the following years, so that the districts of Santos may benefit from the measure and the oral health of the population be preserved.

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