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1995 Calendar

Oral Health Promotion "A Step Forward in Prevention"


Phone: (55) (11) 574-7966

Fax: (55) (11) 573-6334

Congress of Epidemiology 95

A conjoined happening reuniting the III Brazilian Congress of Epidemiology, the II Ibero-American Congress of Epidemiology, and the I Latin-American Congress of Epidemiology will take place in Salvador, Bahia, Brazil, from April 24 to 28, 1995. This event considered to be the most important of Epidemiology in Latin Languages, will congregate professionals of many health areas, with the purpose of exchanging knowledge, experiences and exercises to stimulate scientific development of discipline. The I Technology in Epidemiology Exhibition, which will make evident the advance and technology utilization in collective health will occur simultaneously.


Interlink Consultor

Av. Princesa Isabel, 573-B

Barra Avenida

Salvador - Bahia - Brasil - 40.130-030

III Ibero-Latin-American Congress of Estomatology

The III Ibero-Latin-American Congress of Estomatology will happen on June 5-9, 1995, at the Havana International Conference Center, with the objective to provide an adequate framework for social, scientific and commercial exchange among specialists of this important branch of medicine. Information about the event:

International Conference Center

Apartado Postal 16046

La Habana, Cuba

Phones: 22-6011 to 22-6019

Fax: 33-1657 and 22-8382

Telex: 511609 PALCO CU

E-mail: palcoext@ceniai.cu

CEDROS NETWORK NEWSLETTER * Coordination: Roberto Vianna e Thomaz Chianca . Secretariado: Dra. Nilce Tomita e Dra. Claudia Tavares . CEDROS Network Staff: Andréa Pestana, Celso Procópio, César William F. Maciel, João Monteiro, Luiza de Oliveira Queiróz, Maria de Fátima O. Devesa, Marília Areal e Mauro Soares Balaciano . Illustration: Claudius . Page Layout and Desktop Publishing: Cristiana & Mônica Lacerda . Translation: Elisa Da Poian . Support: Fundação W. K. Kellogg

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