Gay Equality


"I turned around and went by it 3 times...."

"I'm a 17 year old and I go to Burke High. I always kind of knew that I was attracted to girls and last year fell in love with Kathy and am sure now that I'm a lesbian. Since then, I haven't said anything to anyone but my mom who was pretty cool about it but wanted me to talk with a counselor who has been great. Anyway, besides Kathy, my mom and my counselor, all I hear around here about gays and lesbians is really awful. It has had me real, real depressed.

"Tuesday night I was driving to town from the mall and drove by ya'lls billboard. Wow! I almost ran off the road. It was awesome. Just awesome. And it's BIG!!

"It was the first positive thing I've heard since I admitted to myself that I'm gay and it just knocked me out.

"I was driving down 26 crying and everything - I turned around and went by it 3 times, then found out how to get back there in the Sears lot to just stare at it for awhile. Anyway, I wanted to thank ya'll for doing it. You can't really ever know what it meant to me but I wanted to try to tell you."

-- Angela


Triad Equality Alliance ● P.O. Box 19842 Greensboro, NC 27419 ●

Tea is part of EqualityNC Project,
a 501(c)(3) group.

website © 2004
by Triad Equality Alliance