A Peek Inside a Computer

A traditional set-up for a computer system includes the components and the connections diagramed below.

The so-called "Mother Board" serves as an anchor for many of the computer's components.

Located on the mother board, the ROM and RAM systems both connect to the computer's central processing unit, which in turn connects to the central memory board.

Essentially, the difference between Read Only Memory (ROM) and Random Access Memory (RAM)is fairly simple. Both are high speed functions that work together to allow a computer to process information efficiently and safely.

ROM refers to the part of the computer that can not be changed. Any applications that are part of the start-up programs, or that come already installed, are usually in the ROM memory. ROM can not be altered, only read, hence the name.

RAM refers to applications that allow the user to make changes and save them, to write as well as read. As a result, applications often take longer a bit longer to open than if they were ROM files.

When examined in more detail, a computer can be broken down into a number of individual integrated circuits, commonly known as chips. Each chip represents a specific function performed by the computer.

Finally, within each integrated circuit, it is possible to break things down even further, this time to the level of silicon chips, which act as circuits within a circuit.

Further reading:

  • What's Going On Inside That Box?
  • Computers in a Nutshell
  • How to build your own PC

    This page last updated 2/2/02