Assignment 2: The Chessboard Assignment:

Deadline: March 3rd Corrections to be returned by March 20th

All corrections must be returned to the grade review bin on Mr. Rusconi’s desk

In this assignment students will practice using various tools to create objects. The goal will be to create the following chess pieces using the lathe tool as well as booleans and the object information panel. The student will also learn how to add effective lighting to a scene including Shadow maps and Raytracing
Required Pieces:
The Pawn, Rook, and Bishop, 
Optional Pieces: 
The King and Queen 

Students should review the comments on this sheet. If you choose you may correct any mistakes and hand this sheet back to me

Good Fair Poor

Technical Specifications

……… Chess pieces should be detailed and accurate.
……… Competence should be shown with booleans and with the lath tool
………. There should be shadow maps.
………. There should be some use of Ray Tracing
………. The chessboard should be a flat cube which does not have extra polygons
………. There should be at least 3 different pieces
………. All pieces should be made with an efficient use of primitives and the lathe tool
………. The object deformation tool should be used the create the bishops hat
………. Boolean unions should be used to combine the objects only after the they are perfectly aligned using the object information panel.
………. Boolean subtractions should be used to create the notches on the bishops hat and the cut outs in the rooks crown.
………. The Object information panel should be used to create objects that are proportional and alligned correctly

Aesthetic Specifications

………. The pieces should be arranged on the board aesthetically
……… There should be at least 3 jpgs rendered and saved in the done folder
……… Lighting should enhance the scene.
………. There should be effective use of backgrounds and textures
………. Color should enhance the Scene not distract the eye
………. There should be a variety of perspective views rendered


F……. Project not attempted
D…… Project substantially incomplete
C……. Project missing major elements
C+….. Project missing no more than one major element but show good faith effort
B-…… All elements present
B……. Some aesthetic appeal
B+….. Exceeds technical requirements and visually appealing
A-…… Exceeds technical requirements Very visually appealing and has unique features
A…….. Outstanding