Grading Rubric for Measurement Assignment 4:

The Classroom Project.


This assignment will consist of three parts.


In part one the student will take measurements of either room 118,120, or the library. They will be expected to take accurate measurements and used these measurements to generate a rough sketch showing the rooms dimensions. This sketch will be handed in at the time of the project.

In part two of this assignment the student will transfer the information from their sketch to a CAD drawing. The grade will be based on the efficiency and accuracy in the use of the tools in the CAD toolbox and the students’ ability to solve the problems that they encounter. Students will be expected to create a drawing that conforms to the following specifications exactly. Two copies of each view must be submitted

In part 3 the student will import a furniture block that was created by a different students and place it in their room.


Part One: The Measurements




Good Fair Poor… Accuracy of the measurements.

Good Fair Poor… Were sufficient measurements taken?

Good Fair Poor…Was the sketch clear.

Good Fair Poor…Did the drawing give the student sufficient information to create a drawing


Grading Scale


F……….Project not attempted

D………Many measurements inaccurate or missing

C………Project done and significantly complete. Some measurements missing or inaccurate

B………All necessary measurements included. Some minor inaccuracies

A………Project complies with all specifications. No inaccuracies found




Part Two: The Drawings


Plan View


Basic Specifications:

Good Fair Poor… Two copies should be printed out

Good Fair Poor… The student’s name should be printed on the assignment by the computer

Good Fair Poor… All measurements should show

Good Fair Poor… The finished project should fill the page without any cropping



Advanced Specifications:

Good Fair Poor… Measurements must be accurate

Good Fair Poor… Line color should conform to the specifications given in the assignment

Good Fair Poor… Lines should be complete and all lines must meet at corners


3D View


Basic Specifications:

Good Fair Poor… Two copies should be printed out

Good Fair Poor… The student’s name should be printed on the assignment by the computer

Good Fair Poor… All measurements should show

Good Fair Poor… The finished project should fill the page without any cropping


Advanced Specifications:

Good Fair Poor… Measurements must be accurate

Good Fair Poor… Line color should conform to the specifications given in the assignment

Good Fair Poor… Lines should be complete and all lines must meet at corners


Furniture Block:


Good Fair Poor… Was the furniture block imported?

Good Fair Poor… Was the furniture block aligned correctly in the drawing?


Grading Scale


F………Project not attempted

D………Project attempted many parts missing or incorrectly done

C………Project done and significantly complete. Some parts missing or incorrectly done

B………Project complies with all basic specifications. Some minor inaccuracies

A………Project complies with all specifications. No inaccuracies found