Creating an Animated Gif


Jay Hebert


1.     Open Adobe Illustrator You will want to create a fairly small image so that it will download in a reasonable amount of time.

2.     Create a small box with no background.

3.     Add a picture that you want to animate to the box.

4.     Go to file drag down to export this will cause a dialog box to open up.

5.     In the dialog box go to “save as type.”

6.     Drag down to the Targa file and select it.

7.     Next name your picture, and add a one after it.  Ex. Jay1.

8.     This should now read Jay1.tga.

9.     Now select save.

10. Now go back to your picture and change it to create your second frame.

11. Repeat steps three through seven numbering each frame sequentially.

12. When finished go to render station one and use the animated Gif construction set to assemble your animated Gif.