Archive for November, 2004

Air Pollution/Fan Mania

Tuesday, November 16th, 2004

Air pollution: NC Attorney General Roy Cooper has announced that the state may sue the Tennessee Valley Authority to try to limit emissions from the TVA’s coal-fired power plants. Cooper says emissions from TVA plants in Tennessee, Alabama, and Kentucky are contributing to air pollution in North Carolina. Host Melinda Penkava talks with Cecil Bothwell, reporter for the Asheville Mountain Xpress, about the potential lawsuit, and other efforts to reduce air pollution in North Carolina. (12:00)

Fan Mania: North Carolina is home to some of the most famous sports rivalries in the country. Host Melinda Penkava talks about the phenomenon of sports fans. Guests include: Warren St. John, author of “Rammer Jammer Yellow Hammer: A Journey Into the Heart of Fanmania” (Crown/2004); Arnie Schechter, former writer for Sports Illustrated and Duke fan; and Thad Williamson, author of “More Than a Game: Why North Carolina Basketball Means So Much To So Many” (Dollars and Sense/2001). (37:30)

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Monday, November 15th, 2004

Philanthropy in North Carolina: The Dukes, the Reynolds and the Keenans are all families associated with a long tradition of philanthropy in North Carolina. But charitable giving has evolved over the last several decades. Host Melinda Penkava finds out who’s giving money and why when she discusses the state of philanthropy with Todd Cohen, editor and publisher of the Philanthropy Journal; Fred Stang, director of development of Preservation North Carolina; Betty Murchison, Executive Director of The DuBois Center and a former student at a Rosenwald School; and Michael Brader-Araje, trustee of the Michael & Laura Brader-Araje Foundation. (52:00)

Gabby Salazar: This summer Gabby Salazar won the Young Wildlife Photographer of the Year award from BBC Wildlife Magazine and the Natural History Museum in London. Host Melinda Penkava talks with the 17-year-old from Guilford County about her prestigious award and her aspirations for the future. (7:00)

Remembering Maud Gatewood: Triangle poet Jeffrey Beam eulogizes North Carolina painter Maud Gatewood who died on Nov 8th and was memorialized in her hometown of Yanceyville on Sunday November 15th. Beam remembers Gatewood’s fiesty personality, deep roots in North Carolina and her celebrated painting career.(8:00) (SD)

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Election Results/Christine Kane/Spoken Word

Friday, November 12th, 2004

Election Results: Host Melinda Pankava speaks with Mark Johnson, reporter with the Charlotte Observer, about the final results from the Council of State races and other election issues. (12:00)

Christine Kane: Host Melinda Penkava speaks with Asheville-based singer and songwriter Christine Kane talks about her new collaboration with the North Carolina Dance Theater in Charlotte and her latest album, Right Outta Nowhere (Firepink Music/2004). Log onto to find her performance schedule. (20:00)

Spoken Word and Hip Hop Festival: The Spoken Word and Hip Hop Festival takes place at the Hayti Heritage Center in Durham this weekend. Host Melinda Penkava speaks with Triangle-based spoken word artist, Dasan Ahanu. We also hear from brothers Carlton and Maurice Turner – together they are M.U.G.A.B.E.E. They are in residency this week at the Hayti Heritage Center, and will be performing their music live Saturday night. (17:30)

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Military Roundtable/Southern Culture On The Skids

Thursday, November 11th, 2004

Military Roundtable: Host Melinda Penkava speaks with a roundtable of reporters about North Carolina-based troops and contractors currently serving in Iraq. Guests include: Jay Price, military reporter for the Raleigh News and Observer; Martha Quillin, features reporter for the News and Observer; and Tim White, editorial page editor for the Fayetteville Observer. About 1200 Marines from Camp Lejeune are serving near Falluja, and 14,000 are scheduled to arrive there in January. (22:00)

Southern Culture on the Skids: Host Melinda Penkava talks with Rick Miller, Mary Huff, and Dave Hartman, members of the band Southern Culture on the Skids. The band is recording a live album for three nights this week at Local 506 in Chapel Hill. (17:30) (CP)

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ACC Basketball

Wednesday, November 10th, 2004

ACC Basketball: The college basketball season gets underway in the next week, and here in North Carolina that means the Atlantic Coast Conference. Host Melinda Penkava speaks with Lenox Rawlings, sports columnist with the Winston-Salem Journal; and Mick Mixon, color analyst with the Tar Heel Sports Network, about the impact of league expansion on the upcoming season. Listener Call-In. (56:00)

Skip Prosser: State of Things Senior Editor Dave DeWitt has the story of the ACC’s most overlooked coach, Skip Prosser. (4:00)

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