Archive for October, 2005

Piquetero Movement

Wednesday, October 12th, 2005

What happens when displaced workers take taxation and resource allocation into their own hands? We’ll look at the Piquetero Movement and it’s implications for nationalism in Argentina. Host Frank Stasio speaks with UNC-Chapel Hill students Tim Stallman and Liz Mason-Deese, as well as Duke University graduate student Alvaro Reyes. (17:30)

Piquetero Movement

The Future of the Nation-State

Wednesday, October 12th, 2005

On Saturday, Iraqis will decide on a new constitution. It’s a test of whether Iraq’s ethnically and religiously divided people truly see themselves as part of a single nation. And as commerce and warfare go global, what does nationhood mean to any of us? Frank Stasio looks at the nation-state with: Sarah Shields, associate professor of history at UNC-Chapel Hill; and Chris Gelpi, associate professor of political science at Duke University. Listener Call-In. (40:00)


Buckminster Fuller

Tuesday, October 11th, 2005

In 1948, Buckminster Fuller, then a visiting teacher at Black Mountain College in Western North Carolina, built his first geodesic dome. It collapsed. The next summer he returned to Black Mountain and succeeded. Fuller later became famous for his domes and inventions, including the Dymaxion car, Dymaxion map, and World Game. A current exhibit at the Black Mountain College Museum and Art Center in Asheville looks back at those inventions and Fuller’s time in North Carolina. Host Frank Stasio talks with John Wright, board chairman at Black Mountain College Museum + Art Center in Asheville; Lloyd Steven Sieden, author of “Buckminster Fuller’s Universe: His Life and Work” (Perseus/2000); Jay Baldwin, author of “Bucky Works: Buckminster Fuller’s Ideas for Today” (Wiley/1997); and David McConville, co-founder of Elumenati, a company in Asheville that designs immersive projection environments. Listener Call-in. (59:00)

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Municipal Elections

Monday, October 10th, 2005

Host Frank Stasio looks at the lack of interest and perceived unimportance of local elections with Ferrel Guillory, Director of the Program on Southern Politics, Media and Public Life at UNC Chapel Hill. (9:00)

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Southern Fried Potato Kugel

Monday, October 10th, 2005

Host Frank Stasio talks to Marcie Cohen Ferris, associate director of the Carolina Center for Jewish Studies, an assistant professor of American Studies at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and the vice president of the Southern Foodways Alliance about her new book, “Matzoh Ball Gumbo, Culinary Tales of the Jewish South” (UNC Press/2005). The State of Things’ resident foodie Kelly Alexander joins the conversation which explores the nexus of southern and Jewish food from brisket to Sister Sadie’s honeycake. Listener Call-In. (40:00)

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