Archive for November, 2005

Writings of Bin Laden

Friday, November 11th, 2005

Host David Crabtree speaks with Bruce Lawrence, professor of religion at Duke University and the editor of “Messages to the World: Statements of Osama Bin Laden” (Verso 2005). The book is a compilation of the public expressions of the world’s most notorious terrorist. (17:30)

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War Movies

Friday, November 11th, 2005

War films have long been a favorite Hollywood genre. From John Wayne in “The Green Berets” to “Apocalypse Now” to “Jarhead,” each film offers its own messages, truths, and inaccuracies. Host David Crabtree talks with war documentarian Garret Scott about military movies and his own latest film “Occupation: Dreamland” (Greenhouse Pictures/2005); and with Craig Marks, retired special forces officer. (40:00)

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NC and the Environment

Thursday, November 10th, 2005

From coastal development to global warming, North Carolina faces more than its share of environmmental challenges. Host David Crabtree discusses some of the issues with Jack Betts, associate editor with the Charlotte Observer, who recently wrote an article outlining the state’s top ten environmental issues. Other guests include Bill Schlesinger, dean of the Nicholas School of the Environment at Duke University; Joe Pryor, president of Oaks Unlimited in Waynesville, NC; and Guy Troy, a farmer in Randolph County. Listener Call-In. (59:00)

This is a rebroadcast of a show that first aired on Dec. 22, 2004.

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Rodin at the NC Museum of Art

Wednesday, November 9th, 2005

Host David Crabtree speaks with David Steel, curator of the North Carolina Museum of Art, about the announcement that several important works by August Rodin will become part of the Museum’s permanent collection. The Rodin gift is one of the largest in the museum’s history, and it follows a highly popular Rodin exhibition that came to the museum in 2000. (10:00)

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Republican Rule

Wednesday, November 9th, 2005

Republican Rule: Despite election losses yesterday and the recent problems in the Bush White House, political scientist Andy Taylor says the Republican Party has set itself up to be the ruling party for the foreseeable future. Host David Crabtree examines the G.O.P. with Taylor, whose new book is “Elephant’s Edge: The Republicans as a Ruling Party” (Praeger/2005). (49:00)

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