Archive for May, 2006

Modern Motherhood

Thursday, May 11th, 2006

Host Frank Stasio speaks with Amy Tiemann, author of the book “Mojo Mom: Nurturing Your Self While Raising a Family” and a frequent speaker about motherhood. She talks to Frank about young women’s expectations of motherhood and how society supports and reflects those expectations. Then, Frank is joined by a panel of North Carolina mothers whose children range in age from one to 33. Guests include: Jaki Shelton Green, a poet, writer and retired social worker and activist; Maria Mangano, director of Career Services at The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of Law and the mother of two teenagers; Louise Jarvis Flynn, a freelance writer and mother of a one-year old who lives in Durham; and Tiffany Edwards a stay-at-home mom of four children ages 11, 9, 5, and 4 who lives with her family in Apex. How much of motherhood is sacrifice? Compromise? Joy? Patience? Frustration? Insight? Love? Listener Call-In. (59:00)

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Dell Case Dismissed

Wednesday, May 10th, 2006

This morning, Judge Robert Hobgood of Wake County Superior Court dismissed a lawsuit involving tax incentives given to Dell computer company. The incentives, which could total as much as 279-million dollars, were offered by state and local governments as an inducement for Dell to open a plant in the Triad. Dell opened the plant in October. Host Frank Stasio speaks with Bob Orr, the executive director of the N.C. Institute for Constitutional Law, the advocacy group that filed the legal challenge to the Dell incentives. (6:00)

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Ava Gardner

Wednesday, May 10th, 2006

She dazzled the world on the silver screen and romanced Howard Hughes and Frank Sinatra. Host Frank Stasio speaks with Lee Server, author of “Ava Gardner: Love is Nothing” (St. Martins Press 2006), about the North Carolina girl who became one of Hollywood’s leading glamour icons of the 1950’s. Listener Call-In. (40:00) (MD)

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Crashing The Gate

Tuesday, May 9th, 2006

In the past 30 years, the Republican Party has shown remarkable political agility as the nation’s social climate has shifted. Meanwhile, the Democratic Party has failed to strongly identify with causes and issues that could solidify its base. So what are the Democrats doing to try to regain its political power? Some say the future is online, through forums, mass emails and blogs. But can the next sea change in American politics come over the internet? Host Frank Stasio talks with Jerome Armstrong and Markos Moulitsas Zuniga, authors of “Crashing the Gate: Netroots, Grassroots, and the Rise of People-Powered Politics” (Chelsea Green Publishing Company/2006) and founders of the popular political blogs and; and Andrew Taylor, associate professor of political science at North Carolina State University. Listener call-in. (59:00) (MD)

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Future of Driving

Monday, May 8th, 2006

As gas prices climb with no sign of relief in sight, are commuters seriously considering altering their driving habits? Can public transportation work in North Carolina? Host Frank Stasio talks with David Eatman, president of the North Carolina Public Transportation Association; John Hood, president and chairman of the John Locke Foundation; and and Laura Leslie, capitol reporter with North Carolina Public Radio – WUNC. Listener Call-In. (40:00)

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