
Inaugural Preview: Deep fried dill pickles in ranch dressing and some 10-thousand Krispy Kreme donuts… Host Melinda Penkava talks with organizer Linda Douglas about the recipe for the Governor’s Inaugural Ball this Saturday. Melinda also talks with Andy Taylor, professor of poitical science at North Carolina State University; and Rob Christensen, columnist at the Raleigh News and Observer, about the historical power of the North Carolina governorship and what to expect in Mike Easley’s second term. Listener Call-In. (42:00)

Howard Morgen: Melinda Penkava speaks with Howard Morgen, jazz guitarist and teacher. Some of Morgen’s students include Paul Simon and James Taylor. His most recent album is “Howard Morgen Play Gershwin” (Grace Court West/2004). (17:30)

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