Favored By Fortune/Voices Of Civil Rights

Favored By Fortune: Much of the history of North Carolina has been shaped by the state’s prominent families. One of those families has been the Hills of Durham. Guest host David Crabtree speaks with historian Howard E. Covington, Jr., about his new book, “Favored By Fortune: George W. Watts and the Hills of Durham” (University of North Carolina Press/2004). We’ll also talk with curator Robert Anthony, Jr., about one legacy the Hill family left behind: the North Carolina Collection. (22:00)

Voices of Civil Rights: In honor of the 40th anniversary of the Civil Rights Act, the AARP has kicked off a nationwide, year-long bus tour to collect thousands of first-hand accounts of the Civil Rights movement from ordinary people. The tour will trace the original 1961 Freedom Ride from Washington D.C. to Jackson, Mississippi. Guest host David Crabtree will speak with one of the writers on the bus as it stops in Raleigh on Thursday, as well as two North Carolinians who have shared their remembrances of the era: Rev. Titus Haynes and Almetta Revis. (28:00)

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