Dick Gordon/Raise Your Glass

Dis-Connection: Two weeks ago, WBUR in Boston announced it was cancelling the publice radio program The Connection. Heard on 66 stations nationwide (includeing North Carolina Public Radio — WUNC), the show’s last broadcast will come on Friday, Aug. 5. The former host, Dick Gordon, speaks with Rusty Jacobs about the cancellation, his long, distinguished career, and his future. (45:00)

Raise Your Glass: On Wednesday, the North Carolina Legislature passed a law permitting beer with up to 15% alcohol to be sold in the state. The law has been hailed by connoisuers and beer aficionados, and Host Rusty Jacobs will speak with two: Jon Connolly, brewer at the Carolina Brewery Restaurant in Chapel Hill; and Julie Bradford, editor of “All About Beer” magazine. (8:00)

Dick Gordon
Raise Your Glass

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