Funding Stem Cell Research

A bill to use state funds to support stem cell research did not pass during this session of the North Carolina General Assembly. If a proposed study bill passes, however, a committee will look into the issue before the next time legislators meet. Supporters say state funding is the best hope for scientific advances in stem cell research. Those opposed to stem cell research say state funding gives a mandate to a morally objectionable scientific practice. Frank Stasio leads a conversation about the funding of stem cell and other ethically sensitive research. Guests include: Mark Binker, reporter for the Greensboro News and Record; Suzanne Kirby, professor of pathology at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; Robert Cook-Deegan, director of the Center for Genome Ethics, Law, and Policy at Duke University; and Tad Pacholczyk, director of education at the Catholic Bioethics Center. Listener Call-In. (59:00)

Stem Cells

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