Truth In Memoirs

The James Frey saga sent shock waves through the publishing world, but it didn’t seem to hurt book sales for Frey, despite its apparent fictionalization. Now it appears that North Carolina memoir writer Timothy “Nasdijj” Barrus may have created a persona – and a story – out of thin air. So when it comes to what readers want, which is more important, a good story or a true story? And how accurate are our memories to begin with? Host Frank Stasio talks with Peder Zane, News and Observer book critic; Haven Kimmel, author of the memoirs “She Got Up Off The Couch” (Free Press/2006) and “A Girl Named Zippy”; and Kristi Multhaup, associate professor of psychology at Davidson College, about truth in memoirs. Listener Call-In. (59:00)

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