Child Care in North Carolina

Over 200,000 children in North Carolina spend time in a regulated child care facility. The number of homes with two working parents or a single-working parent is growing, which means that even more children will require some sort of out-of-the-home care option in the future. This is particularly true here in North Carolina, where the North Carolina Division of Child Development says the state has one of the highest rates of working mothers with young children. Host Frank Stasio looks at the changing landscape of child care, and how different situations affect a child’s development, with: Steve Reznick, director of the Development Program at UNC Chapel Hill; Frances Campbell, senior scientist at the Frank Porter Graham Development Institute; Stanley Greenspan, professor of psychiatry at George Washington University Medical School and the author of “The Four-Thirds Solution: Solving the Child Care Crisis in America Today”; and Edward Palmer, professor of psychology at Davidson College. Listener Call-In. (50:00)

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