Palestinian Conference at Duke/VP Debate

Vice-Presidential Debate: Host Frank Stasio speaks with Steve Greene, political science professor at North Carolina State University, about the debate between Vice President Dick Cheney and North Carolina Senator John Edwards. (6:00)

Palestinian Conference at Duke: On October 15, 2004, the Duke University student group Hiwar will host the fourth annual conference of the Palestinian Solidarity Movement. It’s an event that has drawn intense criticism… and over80 thousand online signatures urging Duke to reconsider. Host Frank Stasio discusses the conference with John Burness, senior vice president for public affairs and government relations at Duke University; Rann Bar-On, a Duke graduate student and conference organizer; Adam Yoffie, a Duke student and member of the Joint Israel Initiative; Steve Goodman, a Duke alum and an independent college counselor; and Joseph Levine, professor of philosophy at Ohio State University and one of the organizers of a previous Palestinian conference. (53:00)

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