Mapping The Imagination/Operation Homecoming

Mapping the Imagination: Peter Turchi is a novelist and the director of the Creative Writing Program at Warren Wilson College in Asheville, North Carolina. Host Adam Hochberg speaks with Turchi about Warren Wilson’s innovative low residency Master of Fine Arts Program as well as his new book, “Mapping the Imagination: The Writer as Cartographer” (Pub Group West/2004) Turchi wrote the book as a guide for writers and readers as well as an explanation for how creativity works. (32:00)

Operation Homecoming: The National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) and the United States Military have teamed up in a historic partnership to help soldiers returning from Afghanistan and Iraq shape their experiences through creative writing. Host Adam Hochberg speaks with NEA program officer Jon Peede and program co-founder and writer Marilyn Nelson about the program. Hochberg, in his capacity as a reporter for NPR, has visited Operation Homecoming in action at the Norfolk Naval base and will include some of the interveiws he did with soldiers participating in the program there. (17:00)

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