WWW2007 Workshop:

Tagging and Metadata for Social Information Organization

Call For Papers and Participation



User-generated content has transformed the web. This new content — including video, blogs, photos, etc. — is often also organized collaboratively, using tags, or keywords, supplied by users. Tags are useful entry points into exploring the content by searching, filtering, navigating, and so on. Collaboratively tagging content sources allows them to be used for knowledge and information sharing and constitute a kind of social interaction, and the relations between keywords can be used to create associations in topic networks.

As the services supporting tagging grow, questions of scale become pertinent. From a social standpoint, as communities grow, changes (similarity, trust, etc.) make successful interfaces for small groups ineffective for large ones, making new designs necessary. From a technical perspective, growth of data sources presents new opportunities for semantics and data mining.

In this workshop, we hope to bring together researchers and practitioners from a variety of disciplines and engage them in discussion about tagging, especially how it fosters social information organization and collaboration, and how to leverage the explosive volume of metadata.

For further information, visit the Call for Papers.


The schedule is subject to change slightly up to the time of the workshop.

8:30 AM to 8:45 AM Introduction by Scott Golder and Frank Smadja
8:45 AM to 9:05 AM Network Properties of Folksonomies (Christoph Schmitz, Miranda Grahl, Andreas Hotho, Gerd Stumme, Ciro Cattuto, Andrea Baldassarri, Vittorio Loreto and Vito D. P. Servedio.)
9:05 AM to 9:25 AM Tag-Cloud Drawing: Algorithms for Cloud Visualization (Owen Kaser and Daniel Lemire)
9:25 AM to 9:45 AM Semkey: A Semantic Collaborative Tagging System (Andrea Marchetti, Maurizio Tesconi, Francesco Ronzano, Marco Rosella and Salvatore Minutoli)
9:45 AM to 10:05 AM break
10:05 AM to 10:25 AM Emerging Motivations for Tagging: Expression, Performance and Activism (Alla Zollers)
10:25 AM to 10:45 AM Applying Collaborative Tagging to E-Learning (Scott Bateman, Christopher Brooks, Gord McCalla and Peter Brusilovsky)
10:45 AM to 11:05 AM Learning User Profiles from Tagging Data and Leveraging them for Personal(ized) Information Access (Elke Michlmayr, Steve Cayzer and Paul Shabajee)
11:05 AM to 11:25 AM Towards federated Web2.0 sites: the FolkDesk approach (jon iturrioz, Oscar Diaz and Cristó Arellano)
11:25 AM to 1:00 PM lunch
1:00 PM to 1:45 PM Keynote Speaker: Thomas Vander Wal
1:45 PM to 2:30 PM breakout session 1
2:30 PM to 2:45 PM discussion
2:45 PM to 2:55 PM break
2:55 PM to 3:40 PM breakout session 2
3:40 PM to 3:55 PM discussion 2
3:55 PM to 4:00 PM wrapup


  • Scott Golder is a researcher in the Information Dynamics Lab at HP Labs, where he studies large-scale social patterns on the web.
  • Frank Smadja is CEO of dpolls.com, an online polling company. Frank's background includes information retrieval and computational linguistics, and web services and applications.
  • Program Committee
    • Lee Iverson, University of British Columbia
    • Emanuele Quintarelli, Reed Business Information
    • Vova Soroka, IBM Haifa Research Lab
    • Andrew Tomkins, Yahoo! Research
    • Jennifer Trant, Archives " Museum Informatics
    • to be announced