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WXYC 89.3 FM
Chapel Hill, North Carolina

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WXYC Press Release

This press release was sent out in November and December 1994. Here it is posted to rec.radio.broadcasting and rec.radio.noncomm.

WXYC 89.3 FM
News - for immediate use

WXYC announces the first 24-hour real-time world-wide Internet radio simulcast

Now UNC's student radio can be heard world-wide! Already famous within its limited on-air signal range, WXYC now takes advantage of the Internet to send its broadcast world-wide. Listeners in Hong Kong, Johannesburg, Moscow and Guadalajara can now listen to the Chapel Hill station using public domain software that is readily available on the Internet. After weeks of careful testing, WXYC-Chapel Hill, the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill's student radio station, officially announces commencement of 24-hour real-time Internet rebroadcast of its on-air programming.

The broadcast can be received by any Internet-connected Macintosh, model SE/30 or later, which is running System 7 or better. Internet-connected UNIX machines can also receive. The latest version of the client software for Mac, CU-SeeMe, is available via anonymous FTP from gated.cornell.edu in the /pub/video directory. Vat, the client software for multicast UNIX, is available via anonymous FTP from ftp.ee.lbl.gov.

WXYC's WWW home page contains more details about connecting to the broadcast, as well as a deejay/specialty show schedule, other information about the station, and links to other interesting sites.

WXYC rebroadcasts via UNC's SunSITE, a cooperative venture between UNC and Sun Microsystems, with additional support from Cisco Systems. UNC's SunSITE is a recognized innovator in Internet multimedia, WWW, and FTP services. SunSITE will soon be home to NC-Meme, a Web-based database of digitized music from local independent artists.

WXYC is a highly-acclaimed noncommercial-educational college station that serves UNC-Chapel Hill and surrounding areas. WXYC's around-the-clock format is eclectic music, with a smattering of specialty shows.

The rebroadcast effort was spearheaded by David McConville of SunSITE and Michael Shoffner of WXYC. The simulcast entered beta-testing phase on Nov. 7, 1994 and is now in full production. Load testing will proceed as additional listeners connect. SunSITE is currently looking for other sites interested in carrying a WXYC reflector.

Contact WXYC for more information.