47. Catalog Common Resources
Many XML processes use system IDs (in practice URLs) to locate the standard DTDs, schemas, style sheets, and other supporting files for applications like DocBook, XHTML, and SVG. However, this can put quite a load on the central server and means your application may have to wait on a potentially slow remote server you don't control. You might not even be able to process your documents when the central (which you don't have any control over) is down to hardware failure, a system crash, or network outages. Alternately you can use XML catalogs to remap public IDs and URLs. A catalog can convert public IDs like -//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.2//EN into absolute URLs like http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/xml/4.2/docbookx.dtd. It can replace remote URLs like http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/xml/4.2/docbookx.dtd with local URLs like file:///home/elharo/docbook/docbookx.dtd. This offers fast, reliable access to the DTDs and schemas without making the documents less portable across systems and networks.
Catalogs provide the extra level of indirection that makes XML processing much more flexible. They allow URNs (Uniform Resource Names) to be used just as easily as URLs. Even if you're only using URLs, they allow documents to be much more easily moved between systems. For instance, when I move the text of my manuscripts from my Linux desktop to my Windows laptop, I can change the location of the DTD just by editing one catalog file. I don't have to edit every chapter document separately to tell the XML parser and the XSLT processor where to find the right DTD.
Of course, not all requests have to (or should) go through a catalog. If the catalog doesn't have an entry for a particular public ID or URL, then the parser can fall back to the original remote URL. For instance, it could load the XHTML DTD from the W3C web site. However, it only needs to make a network connection if the resource isn't available locally. This saves both processing time and network bandwidth.
You can even use catalogs to choose different stylesheets or schemas depending on your needs. For instance, by editing the catalog, you can test several different possible schemas or style sheets to see which one you prefer. You might even choose between a style sheet that generates HTML and one that generates XHTML.
A catalog is just an XML document in the syntax defined by the OASIS XML Catalogs standard (http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/entity/spec-2001-08-06.html). The root element of this document is catalog which is in the urn:oasis:names:tc:entity:xmlns:xml:catalog namespace. The catalog element contains public elements that remap PUBLIC IDs and system elements that remap SYSTEM IDs. Example 47-1 shows a simple catalog that maps the public ID for DocBook to a file in the local file system:
Example 47-1: A catalog document
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<catalog xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:entity:xmlns:xml:catalog">
<public publicId="-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.2//EN"
The public element maps the public ID -//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.2.0//EN to the local URL file:///usr/local/xml/docbook/docbookx.dtd. The beginning of each chapter has this document type declaration:
<!DOCTYPE chapter PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.2//EN"
Its system ID points to the remote DTD on the OASIS web site. However, that won't be used. The parser looks for the public ID in the local catalog.xml file. When it finds it, it uses the URL from the catalog instead of the one in the document itself. However, if the catalog doesn't contain a mapping for the public ID, then it will use the URL included in the document itself.
As well as public IDs, you can remap system IDs. This is useful for loading content that doesn't have a public ID, such as stylesheets referenced by an xml-stylesheet processing instruction or multiple source documents loaded by the document() function in XSLT. This is done with the system element. For example, this system element remaps the DocBook XSL stylesheet at Sourceforge to a local copy stored in /usr/local/xml/docbook-xsl/:
<system systemId=
The rewriteURI element can remap a whole set of URLs from a particular server. This is very much like the mod-rewrite module in the Apache web server. For example, this maps all the DocBook stylesheet URLs to a local directory on a Unix box:
rewritePrefix="file:///usr/local/xml/docbook-xsl/" />
For various technical reasons, if you're remapping the URLs in DTD system identifiers, you use a rewriteSystem element instead of a rewriteURI element:
rewritePrefix="/usr/local/xml/docbook/" />
The details of how to load a catalog file when processing a document vary from parser to parser and tool to tool. Not all XML processors yet support catalogs, but most of the important ones do. The Gnome Project's xsltproc, Michael Kay's Saxon, and the XML Apache Project's Xerces-J and Xalan-J all support catalogs. Notably lacking from this list are the C++ versions of Xerces and Xalan and Microsoft's MSXML. And of course it isn't hard to integrate catalog processing into your own applications with just a little bit of open source code.
Daniel Veillard's libxml2 XML parser for C supports catalogs, as does his libxslt processor that sits on top of libxml2. libxml2 reads the catalog location from the XML_CATALOG_FILES environment variable, which contains a white space separated list of file names. This can be set in all the usual ways. For example in bash or other Bourne shell derivatives, to specify that libxml should use the catalog file found at /usr/local/xml/catalog.xml you would simply type:
% XML_CATALOG_FILES=/usr/local/xml/catalog.xml
In Windows, you'd set this environment variable in the System control panel.
This property can also be set to a white space separated list of file names to indicate that libxml should try several different catalogs in sequence. For example, this setting requests that libxml first look in the file catalog.xml in the current working directory and then in the file /usr/local/xml/docbook/docbook.cat:
% XML_CATALOG_FILES="catalog.xml /usr/local/xml/docbook/docbook.cat"
If you expect to use the same catalog file consistently, you could set XML_CATALOG_FILES in your .bashrc file.
Once this environment variable is set, libxml will consult the catalog for all documents it loads, whether you're calling the library from your own C++ source code, from the XSLT stylesheet with the document() function, or using the command line tools xmllint and xsltproc.
If you're having trouble with the catalog, you can put libxml in debug mode by setting the XML_DEBUG_CATALOG variable. (No value is required. It just needs to be set.) libxml will then tell you when it recognizes a catalog entry and what it's actually loading when. I often find this useful for discovering small, inobvious mismatches between the IDs used in the instance documents and those used in the catalog. For instance, when I was writing this chapter, this helped me uncover a mismatch between the public ID in the catalog and the documents. The catalog was using -//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.2.0//EN and the source documents were using -//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.2//EN. The strings really do have to match exactly. 4.2 is not the same as 4.2.0 when resolving public IDs.
Most XML parsers and XSLT processors written in Java can use Norm Walsh's catalog library (now donated to the XML Apache Project). You yourself can download it from http://xml.apache.org/dist/commons/. Download the file resolver-1.0.jar (the version number may have changed) and add it to your class path. Next create a CatalogManager.properties file in a directory that is included in your CLASSPATH. The resolver will look in this file to determine the locations of the catalog files. Example 47-2 shows a properties file that loads the catalog named catalog.xml from the current working directory and the standard DocBook catalog from the absolute path /usr/local/xml/docbook/docbook.cat.
Example 47-2: A CatalogManager.properties for Norm Walsh's catalog resolver
If you're having trouble, turn up the verbosity to 4 to provide more detailed error messages about exactly what files the resolver is loading when.
You tell Saxon to use the Apache Commons catalog using several command line options, like this:
% java com.icl.saxon.StyleSheet
-x org.apache.xml.resolver.tools.ResolvingXMLReader
-y org.apache.xml.resolver.tools.ResolvingXMLReader
-r org.apache.xml.resolver.tools.CatalogResolver
chapter1.xml docbook.xsl
Xalan is similar:
% java org.apache.xalan.xslt.Process
-ENTITYRESOLVER org.apache.xml.resolver.tools.CatalogResolver
-URIRESOLVER org.apache.xml.resolver.tools.CatalogResolver
-in chapter1.xml -xsl docbook.xsl
jd.xslt works the same except that it uses lower case argument names:
% java jd.xml.xslt.Stylesheet
-entityresolver org.apache.xml.resolver.tools.CatalogResolver
-uriresolver org.apache.xml.resolver.tools.CatalogResolver
chapter1.xml docbook.xsl
In all three cases, what you're really doing is telling the processor where to find an instance of the SAX EntityResolver interface and the TrAX URIResolver interface. The org.apache.xml.resolver.tools.CatalogResolver class can also be used for these purposes in your own SAX and TrAX programs.
In TrAX both the Transformer and TransformerFactory classes have setURIResolver methods that allow you to provide a resolver that's used to look up URIs used by the document function and the xsl:import and xsl:include elements. Setting the URIResolver for a Transformer just changes that one Transformer object. Setting the URIResolver for a TransformerFactory sets the default resolver for all Transformer objects created by that factory.
To use catalogs, just pass in an instance of the org.apache.xml.resolver.tools.CatalogResolver class. For instance,
URIResolver resolver = new CatalogResolver();
TransformerFactory factory = TransformerFactory.newInstance();
The location of the catalog file is determined by a CatalogManager.properties file as shown previously in Example 49-2.
You will of course need to add the resolver.jar file to your CLASSPATH to make this work.
SAX programs access catalogs through the EntityResolver interface which, conveniently, org.apache.xml.resolver.tools.CatalogResolver also implements. To add catalog support to your own application just pass an instance of this class to the setEntityResolver method of the XMLReader class before beginning to parse a document. For example,
EntityResolver resolver = new CatalogResolver();
XMLReader parser = XMLReaderFactory.createXMLReader();
That's all there is to it. From here on, you just parse the XML like normal. Whenever, the XMLReader loads a DTD fragment from either a SYSTEM or a PUBLIC ID it will first consult the catalogs identified by the CatalogManager.properties file.