Antopol Antopol.. Tel-Aviv,, 1972. DS135.R93 A62 1972
Aleksandriya Israeli, Shmuel, and Nathan Livneh. Pinkas Ha-Kehilah Aleksandriya.., 1972. DS135.R93 A576
Borshchev Blumental, Nachman. Sefer Borshtshiv = Borszczów.. Tel-Aviv: Irgun yots'e Borshts'ov be-Yi´sra'el Hotsa'at sefarim `a. sh. Y. L. Perets, 1960. DS135.R93 B6
Baranovichi Foxman, Joseph. Baranovitsh.., 1964. DS135.R93 B32
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Berestechko Singer, Mendel. Haytah `Ayarah.., 1960. DS135.R93 B38
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Bobruysk Salu, Yehudah. Bobroysk.., 1967. DS135.R93 B59
Brest Novik, Kopl. Di Shtot Brisk.., 1973. DS135.R93 B73
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Belitsa Losh, L. Pinkas Belitsah.., 1968. DS135.R93 B346
Bendery Tamari, Moshe, Mikhle Rozenb´um, and Dina Ginton. Kehilat Benderi.., 1975. DS135.R93 B364
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Bricheva Bertini, K. A. Pinkas Britshevah.., 1970. DS135.R93 B785
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Chernivtsi Avneri, Aryeh. Kehilat Ts'ernovits.. Tel-Aviv: Mi´srad ha-hinukh veha-tarbut ha-Merkaz le-tipuah ha-toda`ah ha-Yehudit be-shituf Bet lohame ha-geta'ot `a. sh. Yitshak Katsenelson, 1971. DS135.R93 C462 1971
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Dobromil Sefer Zikaron Le-Zekher Kehilat Dobromil..:, 1964. DS135.R93 D6
Dubno Margalioth, Hayyim Ze´eb. Dubno Rabathi.., 1910. DS135.R93 D8
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Dubossary Rubin, Yosef. Dubosari.., 1965. DS135.R93 D82
Dyatlovo Kaplinski, Baruch. Pinkes Zshetl.. Tel-Aviv, 1957. DS135.R93 D95
Deretchin Raban, Yahezkel. Sefer Derets'in.. Tel-Aviv: Irgune yotse Derets'in veha-sevivah be-Yi´sra'el eve-Artsot ha-Berit, 1971. DS135.R93 D437
Disna Bernstein, Dov, and Shalom Tsirlin. Disnah.., 1967. DS135.R93 D533
Dnepropetrovsk Harkavi, Zvi, and Yaakov Goldbourt. Sefer Yekatrinoslav-Denepropetrovsk.., 1972. DS135.R93 D597
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Dolginovo Chrust, Josef, and Matityahu Bar-Ratson. Esh Tamid--Yizkor Le-Dolhinov : Sefer Zikaron Li-Kehilat Dolhinov Veha-Sevivah.. Israel: Irgun yots'e Dolhinov be-Yi´sra'el, 1984. DS135.R93 D654 1984
Druia Naishtat, Mordekhai. Sefer Druyah U-Kehilot Miyor, Droisk, Ve-Le'onpol.. Tel-Aviv?: Be-hotsa'at Yots'e Druyah veha-sevivah be-Yi´sra'el, 1973. DS135.R93 D786
Dubno Adini, Ya akov. Dubna.., 1966. DS135.R93 D795
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Gorodets Ben-Ezra, Akiva. Horodets.. New York,, 1950. DS135.R93 G67
Gorokhov (Horochow) Dan, Hayim, and Yosef Kariv. Sefer Horokhov.. Tel Aviv: Irgun yots'e Horokhov be-Yi´sra'el, 1966. DS135.R93 G69
Gargzdai Alperowitz, Yitzhak. Sefer Gorzd, Lita : `Ayarah Be-Hayeha Uve-Khilyonah = Gargzdai.. Tel-Aviv: Irgun yots'e Gorzd be-Yi´sra'el, 1980. DS135.R93 G357
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Glubokoye (Glebokie) Rajak, M., and Z. Rajak. Hurtn Glubok.., 1956. DS135.R93 G587
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IAmpol Gellman, Leon. `Ayarah Be-Lehavot : Pinkas Yamp Ala (Pelekh Vohlin).. Yerushalayim: Be-siyu`a Yad va-shem veha-Kongres ha-Yehudi ha-`olami, 1963. DS135.R93 I232 1963
Il´ia (Ilja) Kopelovits, Aryeh, Elie ezer Shapira, and Toviyah Ben Hefets. Sefer Ilyah : Yizkor-Bukh : Gevidmet Lebens Epizodn Un Dem Umkum Fun Undzer Yidisher Shtetele Ilye.. Tel Aviv: Igud yots'e Ilyah be-Yi´sra'el, 1962. DS135.R93 I387
Iv'ye (Iwie) Kaganovich, Moshe. Sefer Zikaron Li-Kehilat Ivyeh.. Tel Aviv ;: Irgune yots'e Ivyeh be-Yi´sra'el uva-'Amerikah, 1968. DS135.R93 I927
Kishinev Korn, Yitshak. Yehude Kishinov.. Tel-Aviv,: Hotsa'at "Avukah", 1950. DS135.R93 K6
Kremenits Stein, Abraham Samuel. Pinkas Kremenits.. Tel-Aviv,, 1954. DS135.R93 K7
Kurenets Meirovitch, Aaron. Megilat Kurenits : `Ayarah Be-Hayeha Uve-Motah.. Tel Aviv: Irgun yots'e Kurenits be-Yi´sra'el uve-Artsot ha-Berit, 1956. DS135.R93 K8
Kalarash Tamir, Noah. Sefer Kalarash.., 1966. DS135.R93 K23
Kamenetz-Podolsk Rosen, Abraham, Hayim Sarig, and Y. Bernstein. Kaminits-Podolsk.., 1965. DS135.R93 K25
Kamenets Bet ha-sefer ha-mamlakhti `al shem H. N. Bialik Tel-Aviv. Zikhron Netsah.., 1965. DS135.R93 K27
Khorostkov Sztokfisz, David. Sefer Horostkov = Chorostkow Book.. Tel Aviv: Va`ad irgun yots'e Horostkov be-Yi´sra'el, 1968. DS135.R93 K42
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Korets (Korzec) Leoni, Elieser. Korits.. Tel-Aviv, 1959. DS135.R93 K67
Kosov Kressel, Getzel, and Leib Olitzky. Sefer Kosov.., 1964. DS135.R93 K68
Kuty Husen, Eisig. Kitever Yizker Bukh.. Nyu York: Kitever Sik un Benevolent sosayeti, 1958. DS135.R93 K85
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Yizkor Books Page
Hebraic Section, Library of Congress
Compiled by: Ester-Basya Vaisman
Last update: August 19, 2001