A hun iz gut tsum esn zalbenand: ikh un di hun
Ayalti, 21, p.18
Kalbfleysh is halbfleysh, toybnfleysh is gur keyn fleysh
Bernstein, 2938, p.212
  • chicken neck skin
  • 1 lb cooked or sautéed chicken, veal, or beef meat 
  • 2 sautéed sliced onions
  • 1 egg 
  • chopped parsley, dill, spices, salt, and  pepper  to taste
Tie or sew one end of the helzel. Run the meat through a food processor; add sautéed onions, egg, salt, pepper, and spices. Mix the ingredients and stuff the helzel. Cook for 1 hour in the chicken broth or in the meat stew. Slice when cooled. 
For meatless helzalekh use a lot of sautéed onions, flour, eggs, salt, and pepper. 
Background: Olives by Alexander Vaisman
© Shura Vaisman, 1997
Feedback, questions: send e-mail to Iosif_Vaisman@unc.edu
Family Recipes  -  Shtetl kitchen
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