Yiddish of Greater Washington Yiddish of Greater Washington
Cafe Kasrilevke Presents

with Abe Brumberg and Maurice Singer,
accompaniment by Mira Yemini
October 21, 2001 - 4 Heshvan 5762
Poems by H. Leivick,Yankev Gladshteyn, Chaim Grade, Avrom Sutskever, Anna Margolin, Celia Dropkin, J.L Teller, Ahrn Leyeles, Dovid Hofshteyn, Izi Kharik, Moyshe Leyb Halpern, Abe Brumberg; songs of Mordkhe Gebirtig.
Abe Brumberg
Maurice Singer
Mira Yemini
Jointly sponsored by
The Jewish Community Center of Greater Washington
Yiddish of Greater Washington
The Workmen's Circle
Hosted by

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