Chewning Middle School

September 25, 1998

Chewning Middle School sign

For our first presentation of the 1998-99 academic year, we travel to Chewning Middle School in Durham, NC.

East Millbrook Middle School

October 7, 1998

Eric's former middle school, East Millbrook

We present on this day to Mrs. Frazier and her 8th-grade class. Mrs. Frazier was Eric's middle school English teacher.

Brewster Middle School

October 15, 1998

On this day, we present at Brewster Middle School located on base in Camp Lejeune, NC.

Hunter's Creek Middle School

October 15, 1998

After leaving Brewster Middle School, we traveled a few miles down the road to present in Jacksonville, NC for students at Hunter's Creek Middle School.


Dave teaches the traditional Shona handshake and greeting to a 7th-grade student. We presented to about 280 students in two separate large-group sessions on this day.