Bucky and ibiblio

Old School sunsite-ist and ibiblian, David McConville is Chairman of the Board of the Buckminster Fuller Institute. Below ion video, David delivers an intriguing and inspiring talk “Valorization & Sharing” (May 25, 2014) during the Symposium ix at the Society for Arts and Technology [SAT] in Montreal.

ibiblio has had a long interest in both Buckminster Fuller and his time here in North Carolina at Black Mountain College.

In 2005, WUNC’s State of Things’ Frank Staciointerviewed John Wright, board chairman at Black Mountain College Museum + Art Center in Asheville; Lloyd Steven Sieden, author of “Buckminster Fuller’s Universe: His Life and Work” (Perseus/2000); Jay Baldwin, author of “Bucky Works: Buckminster Fuller’s Ideas for Today” (Wiley/1997); and David McConville. That show is archived here on ibiblio with the WUNC Archives.

The documentary Fully Aware: the Black Mountain College Experience “exploring “education in a democracy,” and highlights the College’s belief that the creative arts and practical responsibilities are equally important to intellectual development. Life skills are developed through democratic governance, art exploration, manual labor, and community living” is documented with trailer and text here.

With the help of Project Gutenburg and 1992 version of the Jargon File, ibiblio confirms that the computer term, “Bucky Bits,” has nothing to do with this Bucky but another one less fully appreciated.

“To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.” – R. Buckminster Fuller

Finally, Dr. Fun by Dave Farley imagines what the world would be like “If Buckminster Fuller were a spider.”

If Buckminster Fuller were a spider