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Letter of 4 September 1949 (Summer School)


Dear Bahá'í Friends:


Your letter reached our beloved Guardian, and he was delighted to see so many believers and friends were present at the July session of the School, and also to note the excellent courses you were given by the teachers and visitors present at the School.


He was also very pleased to see the program for the Youth Week being held in the Schwarzwald, and the emphasis which is being placed on teaching the Covenant in both Esslingen and this Youth week he considers very important.


The German Bahá'ís, like all the believers everywhere, will be strong, united and protected to the degree to which they are firm in the Covenants of both Bahá'u'lláh and the Master.


He hopes the teaching work in Germany will make great progress, and he urges you all to devote yourselves to this mighty task, and to promoting love and unity amongst the Bahá'ís and a better understanding of the administrative order of our Faith....


[From the Guardian:]

Dear co-workers:

Your joint message brought joy and gladness to my heart and was a powerful reminder of the staunchness of the faith of the dearly-beloved German believers, their constancy and determination, their thoroughness and diligency in the study of the Faith and of its teachings, and their devotion to the interests of its institutions. I will supplicate the Beloved on your behalf to enable you to acquire a still deeper understanding of the essentials of His Revelation, and to promote, with increasing effectiveness, the best interests of His Cause,

Your true and grateful brother,



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