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Letter of 26 September 1953 (Summer School)


Dear Bahá'í Friends:


The beloved Guardian has received the loving letter you sent him, which was signed by all those who attended the Summer School this year; and has instructed me to answer you on his behalf.


He was very happy to learn of the inspiration and the spiritual impulse given to that gathering by those revered Hands of the Cause of God from different countries who were there on that occasion.


Now that you are all familiar with the goals the Guardian has set before the believers in the German and Austrian Communities, and particularly those requiring consideration first, he is confident that you will arise with one accord to accomplish these tasks in a befitting manner.


His loving prayers will surround you, as you proceed with your historic labours....


P.S.--The Guardian appreciates the copy of the Program and the publicity which you enclosed.


[From the Guardian:]

May the Almighty sustain and guide you in your highly valued activities, enable you to extend the range of your services, and win great and memorable victories in the days to come,

Your true brother,



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