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Letter of 18 November 1954


Dear Bahá'í Sister:


This will acknowledge receipt of your kind letter of November 9th, advising that you have received the gift of Three Thousand Dollars, which the beloved Guardian has sent for your Temple fund.


I will inform the Guardian of your deep appreciation of his gift.


So far as the establishment of the Israel Branch of the National Spiritual Assembly of Germany and Austria is concerned, there is nothing for you to do in connection therewith at this time. This matter will be handled here in the Holy Land. When it is consummated, it may be necessary and advisable for your National Assembly to pass certain resolutions in connection with it, but I will inform you about this in due course.


At the moment it does not seem propitious for the establishment of further Israel Branches at this time; and the Guardian has therefore instructed that this matter be delayed a little longer. You may be sure however it will be taken care of in due course.


With loving greetings to you and all the members of the National Assembly....

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