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Letter of 3 April 1929


Dear Bahá'í brothers and sisters:


Shoghi Effendi wishes me to acknowledge the receipt of your joint letter dated March 21st 1929 in which you extend to him hearty New Year greetings. He wishes me to reciprocate those sentiments and assure you of his prayers. He hopes that through your combined efforts this coming year will bring to the Cause, especially in that country, wonderful success. May God hear our prayers and grant us His blessings...


[From the Guardian:]

My dear co-workers:

I am deeply impressed by your message. I will assuredly remember you in my prayers, that your numbers may increase, your influence extend, your understand of the Cause deepen, and your efforts be richly blessed by our beloved and departed Master. Persevere and study the Teachings. Rest assured that He will continue to reinforce your endeavours and enable you to realize your heart's desire.

Your true brother,



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