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Letter of 27 April 1956


Dear Bahá'í Friends:


The Beloved Guardian has been giving very serious consideration to the model for the Temple to be built in Frankfurt.


He feels that the design No. 102-A, prepared by Architect Teuto Rocholl, is susceptible of development into the type of building which we wish.


The Guardian asks that you consult with the architect, asking him to submit a few modifications of the plan, simply in a rough pencil sketch, incorporating the following adjustments:


1. A third story should be provided without of course increasing the size of the building.


2. The building must be 9-sided instead of round.

7 3. A lantern should be placed on the top of the dome.

4. The dome should be more gracefully shaped, with a little more peak to the top.


5. It might be that some windows could be placed at the base of the dome, so as to give the impression of a clerestory.


The architect himself may have some other modifications that may occur to him as he sets up plans.


If you could have this matter handled as quickly as possible, the Guardian would be very appreciative. Time is running along very rapidly, and if an early start is not made on the building, it may be difficult to finish it during the Ten Year Plan.


The Guardian sends you his loving greetings....

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