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Letter of 19 May 1956


Dear Friends:


The Beloved Guardian has directed me to write you concerning the court case relating to the Temple Land near Eschborn.


You have asked if the decision of the Court should be adverse, if you should appeal the case to a higher court.


The Guardian feels that if the decision of the Court is adverse, then you should not appeal the case, but should at once look for another site for the Temple.


Time is rapidly passing, and no further time should be lost in trying the case. You should find another piece of land, so work on the Temple may start. The Guardian is fearful, if there are further delays, either in the question of land, or the question of Model, the time will have so flown, that the Temple in Germany will not be built during the Ten Year Crusade.


He assures you of his prayers in your behalf, and sends his loving Greetings to all the members of the Assembly....

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