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Letter of 22 October 1956 (Teaching Conference)


Dear Bahá'í Friends:


The beloved Guardian has received the letter which you all signed, dated September 30th, and has instructed me to answer you on his behalf.


When we stop to think that we are already in the fourth year of the World Spiritual Crusade, we realize that we cannot afford to look at our past accomplishments, but must face the future and the tremendous tasks which lie ahead.


He knows the attainment of the objectives of the Crusade is the concern deepest in the heart of each believer; and he is confident this Conference has sent forth those who attended with a renewed determination to do all in their power individually and collectively, as the days and weeks pass, to ensure its ultimate success....


[From the Guardian:]

May the Almighty guide you in your constant endeavours for the spread of the Faith, and aid you to extend continually the scope of your valued activities, and lend, in the days to come, a great impetus to its progress and the consolidation of its institutions.

Your true brother,



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