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Letter of 30 November 1956


Dear Bahá'í Sister:


Your loving letters of November 19th and 22nd were duly received by the Beloved Guardian, and he has directed me to acknowledge them on his behalf.


He greatly appreciates, and was deeply touched, by your kind sentiments on the occasion of the 35th anniversary of his appointment as Guardian. The spirit of devotion and consecration of the German Believers, and its National Assembly, augurs well for the future of the Faith in your country. He is sure the Master will both guide and confirm you in your work, as you carry forth the mandates of His Convenant, and the Teaching Tablets.


With regard to the Temple Land--The Guardian feels this must be purchased in Frankfurt, or its environs. He does not approve of buying in Offenbach. Thus he feels you can secure the land anywhere in Frankfurt or its environs, where it seems best suitable for our purposes.


The new location near Eschborn would seem satisfactory, but you must be sure there will be no trouble with permits to build.


He feels you should again review the entire matter most carefully, and he hopes you will soon find the location which will be the site of the House of Worship in Germany.


With regard to the funds--he feels it is best that you allow them to remain in the Bank as at present.


The Guardian sends you his loving greetings. He is praying for you, and for the success of your work in the Faith....

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