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Letter of 21 February 1934


Dear Dr. Mühlschlegel:


At the instructions of the Guardian I am writing these few lines, requesting you to contribute an article in German for publication in the forthcoming issue of the "Bahá'í World".


In view of the fact that the Biennial is an international Bahá'í organ, Shoghi Effendi feels that it would be appropriate and in full consonance with its nature and purpose to further widen its scope by publishing in it, from time to time, articles in various important languages which are of sufficient use among the friends. This would greatly enhance the nature and render effective the circulation of the "Bahá'í World" by enabling non-English speaking believers to better acquaint themselves with some of its major contents.


Two articles in French have already been contributed to this end. One of them is from the pen of a newly-converted and capable believer from Paris, a Princess, and the other is from a certain professor connected with the Sofia University. Though not officially recognized as a Bahá'í, yet he is very sympathetic to the Cause.


The Guardian hopes, therefore, that you will be kind enough to respond to his request. He feels certain that our German believers will greatly appreciate your contribution, and will be glad to witness that one of their members is taking such an active part in representing them in the preparation of this international Bahá'í record. You need not write too detailed an article, and you can choose any subject you wish, provided it agrees on every point with the spirit as well as with the form of the Teachings of the Faith....


P.S. The Guardian can wait till the end of April for your article. Will you please send it directly to his address and not to America?

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