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Letter of 30 July 1934


Dear Bahá'í Friends,


Your letter of June 19th written on your behalf by Miss Köstlin has been received, and its contents as well as the accompanying documents and notes have been carefully read by the Guardian. He wishes me to thank you for them all, and to convey to you his deepfelt appreciation of your painstaking labours for the consolidation of the administration in your community. It gives him real pleasure to learn of the spirit with which you are toiling for the attainment of this supreme objective, and he is fervently praying for your guidance and assistance that you may speedily and effectively attain the goal of your heart's desire.


In view of the fact that there are no competent and fully reliable persons here to undertake for him any translations from German, the Guardian would prefer that henceforth you should send him a translation of the minutes of your meetings into English, so that he may be in a position to read them without any difficulty. He fully realizes the difficulties which such a rendering would entail, and for this he wishes to assure you of his abiding appreciation and of his deepfelt gratitude.


In closing may I also express his hope for the success of your next summer school. From various communications and reports recently received from the friends, he gathers that a large number of believers both from Germany and abroad are planning to attend the summer classes. May such a gathering prove to be the right medium for bringing the German believers closer than ever, and for fostering among them the spirit of initiative, of service and of selfless and wholehearted cooperation in the path of service to the Faith....


[From the Guardian:]

Dear and precious co-workers:

The message you have sent me is indeed most welcome. It has filled my heart with joy and thanksgiving. I am continually urging the friends and pilgrims to visit the German Bahá'í centres and particularly the Esslingen Summer School, as I attach the greatest importance to this vital national institution. I will continue to pray for your success from the depths of my heart.

Your true and grateful brother,



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